Cloth Diapering

A big thank you!

To all the ladies that put together the FAQ's THANK YOU. I think i've read the FAQ section over and over (the updated and old one) and it has helped a lot. I still am trying to figure out and everything I need. I still fear that I will be crying on the floor with a naked baby because I won't know which diaper to use when, or will be freaking out becuase they aren't working they way I thought, but I know the FAQs will help me. So thank you!
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Re: A big thank you!

  • This board has helped me a ton. I'll be honest, when we first came home with A I thought I had made a big mistake. Everything was so new to me including the diapers. Within a few days it got better and by a month I was completely comfortable. I know I asked some dumb questions those first couple weeks and I know I still do, but I'm so glad we chose this route and glad I stuck with it.
    BFP #1: MC at 6w2d 11/24/09 BFP #2: 4/8/10-DD born 12/15/10 BFP #3: MC/CP? 2/5/12 ~4w BFP #4: Eptopic-Laparoscopy & D&C 4/16/12 ~6w BFP #5: 6/19/12 Due 3/5/13 Pregnancy Ticker
  • It's so much more intimidating that it should be.  Once you get a system down you will be amazed at how easy it is and then every diaper change is fun and exciting...:)  well, once the solids start there are a few scary ones but once the bum is clean its fun to pick out a new, clean diaper!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BabyFruit Ticker BFP#1 10/26/09 EDD 7/4/10 Beautiful Baby Boy born 2 weeks late 7/16/10 BFP#2 8/23/11 EDD 5/11/12 Natural Miscarriage @ 6 weeks BFP#3 5/22/12 EDD 2/10/13 Stick Baby!
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  • Just remember: it's a learning experience to all of us (even those of us who have "been there, done that"). The worst that will happen is you get a leak...which you'd get with disposables anyway. The best that will happen is no chemical smell when your LO pees/poops, customizable absorbency and fit, and you enjoy diaper changes like PP says. Wink

    Take a deep breath and relax.

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