
please tell me your child is weird, too.

because every day, I question PAC's sanity.

I can name a million things, but I'll give you the most recent. He was in the bath, and I noticed his hand was in his butt. I said, "Patrick, why is your hand on your tushie?" (you know, thinking he fell or something)

PAC: Oh, mommy! There's a hole in my tushie. 

ME: Please don't put your finger in your tushie.

PAC: I HAVE to, mommy. It's a hole. We need to close it.

Since them, he's been obsessed with his butthole. DH thinks it's hysterical and tells him "just don't enjoy it too much" I try to explain to him that it's ok to explore (he's also obsessed with his penis and making it bigger or smaller--that's another story)

I told him we poop out of our tushies and if he puts his finger in there, he'll get poop on it, and that's dirty.

So now, in addition to putting his finger up his assshole, he's added the extra step of sniffing it to his repertoire. 

I'm beyond grossed out. 

My babies!! Patrick Aydin, 9.24.07, and Alia Noor, 6.1.11 imageimage

Re: please tell me your child is weird, too.

  • LMAO

    DS took a foam sword and pointed in my face saying "it's my penis Mommy, I'm peeing on you bwahahahaha!"

    "Daddy, my penis doesn't like me"  when he couldn't pee on his potty chair.


  • oh my. LOL. We are not there yet. But so looking forward to it.

    Dominick discovered his finger fits perfectly in his nose about a month ago...and he hasn't taken it out since. We just went to a cousins bday last weekend and when we got the pics emailed to us, it was hard to find any of Dominick without the finger up there. 

    He also gets poop on his hand every time I change a poopy diaper. I haven't figured out how to avoid it. I need one hand to hold both his hands up, and the other hand to change the diaper, but then the legs are flailing...its a difficult time.

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  • LOL.  We haven't had that issue, but B is obsessed with making his penis big.  I'm pretty sure it's all normal.
  • imagesunandsand:

    He also gets poop on his hand every time I change a poopy diaper. I haven't figured out how to avoid it. I need one hand to hold both his hands up, and the other hand to change the diaper, but then the legs are flailing...its a difficult time.

    My solution when my oldest did this was to change him on the floor and throw my leg over his torso.  His arms were on one side of my leg, and his bottom and legs were on the other side.  It prevented him from reaching the area or rolling over.

  • Bwahahaha! 
    Madelyn 3/1/07 image, Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • Every little boy I've ever known in my life has been a wonderful weirdo.
    promised myself I'd retire when I turned gold, and yet here I am
  • This post made me LOL! 

    Ian dribbled pee down his leg, and took a finger to wipe it up (imagine a finger going through some frosting) - then he inspected his finger.  At the same time, he shook his junk back and forth saying "my nuts! my nuts!"

    And we have no idea where he got the nuts thing from...

    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Fourth Birthday tickersimageimage
  • imagesunandsand:

    Dominick discovered his finger fits perfectly in his nose about a month ago...and he hasn't taken it out since. We just went to a cousins bday last weekend and when we got the pics emailed to us, it was hard to find any of Dominick without the finger up there. 

    He also gets poop on his hand every time I change a poopy diaper. I haven't figured out how to avoid it. I need one hand to hold both his hands up, and the other hand to change the diaper, but then the legs are flailing...its a difficult time.

    OMG, DD2 is a nose picker too. And my solution to her grabbing her poopy butt is to have a plethora of little toys around her changing table. I just hand her one to distract her.

    Neither of my girls have found their buttholes yet, but it's probably because they can't get past their vaginas. Holy crap, they are both all up in there, all the time. Tongue Tied

  • imagesunandsand:

    Dominick discovered his finger fits perfectly in his nose about a month ago...and he hasn't taken it out since. We just went to a cousins bday last weekend and when we got the pics emailed to us, it was hard to find any of Dominick without the finger up there. 

    He also gets poop on his hand every time I change a poopy diaper. I haven't figured out how to avoid it. I need one hand to hold both his hands up, and the other hand to change the diaper, but then the legs are flailing...its a difficult time.

    OMG, DD2 is a nose picker too. And my solution to her grabbing her poopy butt is to have a plethora of little toys around her changing table. I just hand her one to distract her.

    Neither of my girls have found their buttholes yet, but it's probably because they can't get past their vaginas. Holy crap, they are both all up in there, all the time. Tongue Tied

  • Yikes, sorry about the multiple posts. My computer freaked out.

  • imagelsufan:

    He also gets poop on his hand every time I change a poopy diaper. I haven't figured out how to avoid it. I need one hand to hold both his hands up, and the other hand to change the diaper, but then the legs are flailing...its a difficult time.

    My solution when my oldest did this was to change him on the floor and throw my leg over his torso.  His arms were on one side of my leg, and his bottom and legs were on the other side.  It prevented him from reaching the area or rolling over.

    thanks for the tip! That is kind of like how I brush his teeth, lol Pin him down and listen to him holler for 30 seconds!

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  • LOL!  Boys are so gross!

    Sam picks his nose sometimes when he is lying in his bed.  How do I know?  Because they are smeared all over the wall next to him.  Gross!  I have made him clean the wall and I have done it myself, but its still not 100% clean.

    So I vote perfectly normal! 


    DS1 10-06 and DS2 9-08 and baby #3 EDD 9-05-12
  • imageYodajo:

    LOL!  Boys are so gross!

    Sam picks his nose sometimes when he is lying in his bed.  How do I know?  Because they are smeared all over the wall next to him.  Gross!  I have made him clean the wall and I have done it myself, but its still not 100% clean.

    So I vote perfectly normal! 


    My 15 y.o. stepson did this too I went in his room & his wall was covered & I was helping put his sheets on & the rug was covered Ick! I was like what is on your floor & got down to look & just about puked.  Boys are gross!!
  • The weirdness of boys... 

    Normal!  My almost 3 year old has a butt obsession.. he's almost over it but it was baddd for awhile.  Bathtime was "I touching hiney hole!" time for awhile.  Ughhhh.

  • My kid is a freak. He is also obsessed with all things penis.
    Kill all my demons and my angels might die too. -Tennessee Williams

    You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
  • Indifferent

    I'm seeing into my future... and I'm scared.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Yup!  

    DS's new thing is pulling down the front of his pants and he tells me "mommy I popped my pee pee out!  Look at it dance!" as he jumps around with his penis bouncing.  It makes me want to LOL but just say "that's nice I don't want to see your pee pee honey."  

    Add to that that when he pees he farts and scratches his butt like an old man.

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    Aiden 10.17.07 Emma 07.15.10
  • Mitch hasn't discovered his butt hole, but thats because he REFUSES to wipe his butt....and also "forgets" to call and let me wipe it.  So unless I catch him pooping (I don't pay attention to if he's in there 45 seconds or 2 minutes!), He ends up with streaks on his underwear and FREAKS OUT!

    He also turns ANY phallic shaped object into his member, shoving it between his legs and walks around whacking things with it...."I'm gonna hit you with my stick!"

    And when he pees, he pulls, stretches, tugs, flicks, plays with, anything you can imagine, which half the time ends up with pee all over...ALL over. 

    Boys are.......weird


    The closest thing I got is when DD had a slight pee accident in her pants while she was holding herself. She then proceeded to LICK.HER.WET.HAND!

    What possesses them to do this shiiiit?

  • Did he ask you smell his fingers after it was there??? Well, my daughter has after her fingers were in her yes, she is weird.

    And uh...see sig..she is practically giving herself an enema. 

    Child #1: 6 yo DD Child #2: 2yo DD
  • LOL.......normal.....
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