
I REALLY hate pacifiers right now....

Okay, I know they are good for dental reasons and help to comfort the baby, and our pediatrician even said it's a good thing. (Even though she said she is trying to her four year old to not want it!) hmm? But one of my girls needs it every time I put her down for a nap, and it falls out every five frigging minutes and I have to pop it back in or she screams. It's driving me literally bonkers!!!!! Anyone else feel the same? Should I just do away with it all together or keep going through this? Once in a blue moon she doesn't need it but , for example, I am trying get her to take a nap right now and I am losing my mind.  TIA!!!  :)

Re: I REALLY hate pacifiers right now....

  •  Have you tried a bigger pacifier like 3-6 months?  That might help... :)

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  • Maybe you could try one of those pacis that have the stuffed animals attached?
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  • cooper cant keep his in his mouth.  i try not to offer it to him unless i can tell hes looking to suck.  (when hes REALLY tired)  i also try to take his hands (always in a fist) and put them on top of it and sometimes he holds it in himself until he passes out.  i know your pain though.  like you have time to sit there and hold it in her mouth while theres another kid probably wanting your attention.

    Do they put their hands to their mouth yet?  My boys are starting to suck their hands, this may be bad but i cant wait til they find their thumbs.  i would love to have self soothers

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  • this has been happening with DS too. During the day he's fine, but at night a hot mess with the damn paci. I want to kill my husband b/c I didn't want to use pacis at all and he thought it would help when the babies are fussy. Guess who is up every 5 minutes leaning over a PNP stuffing the paci in DS's mouth each night?

    My hubs is great and helps with everything - even night diaper changes and swaddles - but the paci problem is mine completely LOL. HATE IT. 

  • oh yeah, the HBOTB guy says to try to tug out of their mouths and that will teach them to keep sucking...instead of holding it in there for them....


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  • Two words: Duct. Tape.
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  • try a wubanub


    I pin them to my girls sleep sacks with diaper pins, I got to the point where I was getting up 20x a night and most of the time it was for paci replacements, it took them a couple nights of me going in and helping them find it, but after that our nights got soo much better!

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  • imageHaven1:
    Two words: Duct. Tape.


  • imageLoveTravel:

     Have you tried a bigger pacifier like 3-6 months?  That might help... :)

    Really? Why? I think we do have bigger size ones...  When do you go up a paci size? I was wondering this...  cuz it looks like she is getting tiny bit of red marks where the paci hits her cheeks........

  • imageMADforever2009:

    cooper cant keep his in his mouth.  i try not to offer it to him unless i can tell hes looking to suck.  (when hes REALLY tired)  i also try to take his hands (always in a fist) and put them on top of it and sometimes he holds it in himself until he passes out.  i know your pain though.  like you have time to sit there and hold it in her mouth while theres another kid probably wanting your attention.

    Do they put their hands to their mouth yet?  My boys are starting to suck their hands, this may be bad but i cant wait til they find their thumbs.  i would love to have self soothers

    I've thought of this too.... I would like her to just find her thumb!!! I have doubts about this too though cuz I have heard that they can suck on their thumb so much they get painful cracks in their skin. Who knows! At this point-I just don't wanna keep popping it and out of her mouth Argg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :)  lol.

  • Ditto wubbanub and ditto upping the paci size.  See if it works.  It did a little for my kids.

    My babies would never take them but now the girls have an oral disability where we need to work on their sucking skills and increasing their mouth muscles and pacis are helpful with this.

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