Success after IF

How many shorts/tshirts/pants for summer

DS will be a year in June

How many shorts/tshirts/pants will I need for the summer?

We do laundry twice a week or so-so I was thinking 5 tshirts/4 shorts/2 pants for everyday use should be okay.

Does this sound reasonable-too many/too few?

Re: How many shorts/tshirts/pants for summer

  • He will be eating regular food then, I would get double. He is bound to get a something on his shirt or shorts needing a quick change. Oh and if you are out and about and he is walking = grass stains and some dirt.
    A lot of years and a million tears finally led me to you.
    After 7 years trying to concieve, 3 failed IUIs and 2 failed IVFs, my third IVF was a success!
    My Christmas baby turned into a turkey bird! Dillon Richard was born at 34 weeks, 5 days on November 28, 2009 after 10 weeks on bedrest for preeclampsia.
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  • I would get a few more shirts, maybe 8 total, plus a zip-up sweatshirt.  I think you'll be okay with 4 pair of shorts and a pair of pants. 
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