Two Under 2

Another Baby Jogger City Select Question

I'm pretty sure I know the answer based on some reviews I've read online, but wanted to check again here.  Does the stroller fold up somewhat compactly? I have a smaller car (Mitsubishi Lancer.....trunk space like a Civic) and wanted to be sure I could fit it in.  I do have a Combi Double that fits in but it's huge and leaves no room for anything else.  Thanks for the help!
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Re: Another Baby Jogger City Select Question

  • Yes I think it does. Im not sure if you are able to fold it without removing the seat/s but I do take it off (Im only using one seat now b/c DS is still using the car seat adaptor). With the infant adaptor on it, its a bit longer but you could very easily remove it to get more space. - I love the sound you make when you shut up. Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • imagenaturelle25:
    Yes I think it does. Im not sure if you are able to fold it without removing the seat/s but I do take it off (Im only using one seat now b/c DS is still using the car seat adaptor). With the infant adaptor on it, its a bit longer but you could very easily remove it to get more space.

    Great thanks! I as well plan to use the infant car seat plus the regular seat for as long as I can with it and don't mind having to take the seat off to fit it in.  It just looked like it would fold flatter as opposed to the Combi which is like double the size of a pnp when folded!

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  • I have a VW Jetta - I feel you!  I tried it out in the the store, though I don't own it yet.  It does fold ridiculously flat.  You can leave the seats/bar attached when you fold it if you have the room, but in my car I would have to take one or the other off.  The seat and infant bar remove so easily though, I don't see it being an issue.  Also, the seat slips through the infant bar, so it's one little unit. 

    The only 'maybe' issue is the rear wheels are quite tall.  However, they are removable as well.  There is just a little spring-loaded slide lock and you can slip the wheels right off.  




  • I have TINY trunk space as well... and it fits great with lotsa groceries and shopping bags with room to spare :)

    I usually take the seat off to fold it, you dont have to though, and sometimes even the wheels if I want ever more space they all clip right in and out for fast setting up!

    You will LOVE it, Im a huge fan of this stroller :) 

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  • if you take both seats off you can fit it into a civic trunk (we actually have a 2005 civic) it spends most of it's time in the van, but we made sure it fit in both cars before purchasing.
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  • and another to add, so i don't make another post!

    if you have the city select and use it as a double, do you find it's ok to steer? i've been pretty much converted, deciding to get the city select instead of the uppababy vista. but, one thing i keep reading is that with 2 in the stroller it becomes difficult to steer..

  • imagemooninlv:

    and another to add, so i don't make another post!

    if you have the city select and use it as a double, do you find it's ok to steer? i've been pretty much converted, deciding to get the city select instead of the uppababy vista. but, one thing i keep reading is that with 2 in the stroller it becomes difficult to steer..

    It is a bit hard to steer when the heavier child is in the front. I have #2 in the infant adaptor now so he is closest to me and #1 is in front. He wont be in it much longer so I look forward to trying it out when #1 is closest to me to see how it steers. It wouldnt prevent me from buying this stroller all over again though. - I love the sound you make when you shut up. Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • For those that have this stroller, I am pregnant with number 2 and my first will be 2 1/2 when second is born.  Some reviews give 4 stars and say the stroller is amazing, other sites say its really hard to push once you have a toddler in the front seat. When I have the new baby, i will obviously want it closer to me in the higher seat in either the bassinet or car seat.  Any real feedback is much appreciated!  Thanks! Ann
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