January 2011 Moms

Gabriel's birth story- natural & quick!

Most of us have babies now, so hopefully you guys forgive the lateness lol. Anyway, here it is.....

DH & I went in for our Maternal-Fetal Specialist appt Thursday, 1/6, at 8am. My fluid was 3.5 & the minimum is 5 so they wanted me to go to the hospital to be induced that day. I was 37 weeks & 6 days. We both knew that at some point there would be a baby, but the "Omg this is really happening now" factor was overwhelming.

So I went to see my OB first (Dr wanted me to check in with them before the hospital), & she agreed about the induction. She called the hospital & saved me a room. I was 1.5cm & 30% effaced & baby was way up there. So we stopped to eat lunch then checked in to L&D.

Both Drs knew I really wanted to go natural, & I made my nurses aware. So the OB decided on Cervadil for 12 hours, then start Pit in the AM. So the Cervadil went in, which IDK why but it hurt SO BAD! I thought at that point that there was *no way* I'd be able to do natural birth lol but I digress.....

At 3pm the Cervadil went in. Everything was fine. I took a shower, walked around in the room, ate some dinner, watched TV, etc. til about 12am. Then Gabe's heartbeat started dipping down with contractions that I didn't even feel (just saw them on the monitor) & the nurse kept running in to change my position a few times & give me oxygen. It continued off & on til the on-cal OB came in at 130am & started talking C-Section. I guess thats all we needed cause it never happened again lol.

The nurse came in at 3am & took out the Cervadil. She checked me & I was 2 & 50%. So I went to sleep. I woke up at 430am with this incredible urge to poop. I saw that I had a contraction on the monitor, so I woke up DH to go with me (I didn't wanna accidentally poop Gabe out a la "I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant"). I did my business & came back to bed. About 10 min later, it happened again & again & again. I pooped probably 6 or 7 times between then & 6am, every time with contractions. So it was about 6am & the contractions started picking up where I could definitely feel them & started getting a little anxious. All the Hypnobirthing stuff was helping still, but I started to have my doubts about not having the epidural or pain meds. My husband started getting worried that I was asking about meds, so he called the nurse in & asked her to check me. I was 6.5cm & 90%! I was thrilled at how much progress was made in 3 hours!! It definitely made me feel a lot better that I was in pain because I was well into labor, not just at the beginning.

Since Gabe's heart rate hadn't dropped at all since 130am, I was allowed off the monitor. So I walked around the room & could stand through the contractions (which felt soooo much better than sitting or laying in bed). After about 30 min, I got into the jacuzzi tub & tried to relax. I stayed for about an hour, & got out around 8 or so. I was exhausted from not sleeping while I had the chance with the Cervadil, so I got back in bed. I slept between contractions lol. DH said I was completely out until the next one hit, when I'd wake up & moan "Owie owie owwwwww.....Ouch ouch ouch" & then go right back to bed. That lasted about an hour. Btw, DH was the best through this, using all the Husband Coached Childbirth relaxation & Hypnobirthing relaxation techniques that he could. I would've never been able to do it naturally without him!

Anyway, so at 10am I *had* to push so DH called & asked someone to check me. I was 9cm & the baby had moved all the way down. The nurse told me to not push & it would take a while to completely dilate. Omg, worst feeling ever. I liken someone telling you "Don't push" to someone starving you for a week, then putting your favorite food in your mouth & saying "Okay, don't chew, swallow, or spit it out." It feels impossible & you know it won't last so you're just telling your cervix to hurry. So I just started rolling from side to side & rocking in bed during each contraction to keep me from pushing.

At 1045 I called again to be checked. The nurse came in & said I still had a little bit of cervix in the way. I asked her to get the OB cause baby was coming! About 15 min later, he came with a resident. I told him I couldn't hold it any longer. So he said "Okay, I'll hold this part of your cervix out of way while you push" & reached up in my vagina Indifferent I was like "Ummm wtf...." but then I had a contraction & stopped caring. He was pretty shocked at how much that one push did, so he called for the nurses to come in & started getting gowned up. He broke my water at 1115, before the next push so that it would be quicker, while a nurse got me the squat bar & mirror. I pushed probably 6 or 7 times, & Gabe's head was out! The cord was around his neck so I had to hold on before pushing out the rest of him. He was born at 1134am. He weighed 5lb 2oz & was 18 3/4 inches long.

I was surprised at how fast everything went, especially since I'm a first timer. Also, the ultrasound from 2 weeks before said he'd be about 7 lbs, so it was shocking that he was so little. But it was amazing to finally meet him!! He was perfectly healthy. I held him over an hour before I let them weigh & wash him up. Going natural is the way to go :) It hurt, but being chained to the bed would've been worse. Also, a little guy like him probably wouldn't be able to handle pain meds & would've needed help breathing or atleast a little extra close watch, but he was so alert & ready for the world!

Here's a pic of him right before we were discharged....


DS1- Jan 2011
DS2- Sept 2012
M/C- Sept 2011


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