has anyone actually done a vba2c with in the past 6mths since the guidelines change? I really want to at least have a TOL, My dr is supposedly ok with vbac but he wasn't to helpful with info from when i had my son in dec 09. He only gave us the cons of it! and my midwife was sorta the same way! and honestly when i give birth i want to have a fast recovery! just wondering if i have any chance in hell to have a vaginally birth? both scars are low transverse.
Re: vba2c
I'm a VBA2C hopeful and have been given a trial of labor at the most earthy crunchy practice in the whole state. Since I have been pregnant a small handful of women - 2 have had VBA2C at my practice and every time I go in it seems like another 1 or 2 had a VBAC.
It has been an uphill battle since day 1 at the dr's to convince the TOL. At 34 weeks, my baby was not in an optimum position, so I've been scheduled for an u/s to confirm positioning at 36 weeks.
My gut is to refuse a c/s unless there's a medical reason that puts my baby or me at risk. I have a feeling that they may use the positioning in hopes that I will schedule, but I don't want any what ifs.
I have also created a team of helpers for these final weeks. I've been meeting w/ a hypnobirthing instructor/doula since week 12 - creating birth plans, practicing relaxation techniques, anything to prepare for both c/s and vaginal birth. I have acupressure and acupuncture appts scheduled for weeks 37 - 41.
I have a feeling if I don't go by my own by week 39, everything is going to have to be perfect, not to end up w/ a scheduled c/s. I'm predicting my chances of success at 20%.
Do you have a chance in hell to have a vag. birth? Probably a really slim one but it doesn't hurt to be as prepared as possible. If you wanted to increase your chances, I suppose you'd have to homebirth. It was out of the question for me b/c I felt uncomfortable with the risks.