So, HCG test results from today: 252, down a full 500 points from Thursday's 752. I was not at all surprised -- I would have been more than completely shocked if it had been anything different. If anything, I feel relieved to know that what has been happening is almost over. When I told the nurse I spoke with my new theory, that last week's heavy "period" was actually a m/c, she said that could indeed explain both the low first beta and the very dramatic drop in only two days.
I am surprisingly ok -- I guess because it wasn't like I got a BFP and then got to think I was pregnant for over a week before this happened. It was more that it was just all so sudden and so bizarre and scary. Thanks to everyone for being so kind and supportive -- it has really helped. I've already emailed my new RE updating her on the drama and asking for her advice on whether we proceed with IVF as planned as of my next period, or if she'd want me to wait for two cycles. So I'm moving on. And DH is here for the weekend.
Re: Today's update (I was right)
TTC #1 since 8/1/10; Me:41 and BRCA1+, DH:46
DOR (FSH 24.3)/ terrible egg quality ; homozygous MTHFR c677t
5 IUI's: 2/11 to 6/11 and 1/12= BFN
OE IVF#1-4 8/11-6/12= all BFN
DE IVF#1 11/12 bad embryos= BFN
DE IVF #2 2/13 BFP/Beta hell: m/c 5w6d
CFNBC 7 months, not doing well; decided on guarantee program at RBA w/frozen DE
DE IVF #3 1/14 ET 4BB; BFP;M/C 5w1d, incomplete m/c; MVA extraction in ER 7w1d
DE FET#1 ET 3/1714; BFP, beta 1 3/27= 197, beta 2 3/31= 1586, beta 3 4/7= 13879!!
First u/s= Twins with HBs at 6w2d! We are Team Pink x 2!!
K & K born 11/21/14 at 38wks 4 days
Endometriosis, s/p lap 2009
Behcet's disease, s/p partial vulvectomy 2010
Started bromocriptine to lower prolactin level 2010
Clear HSG 11/2010
DH morphology = 4, rest of SA looked good 01/2011
02/2011 First Clomid 50mg cycle
BFP 03/02/2011
No heartbeat at 10w5d 04/18/2011; D&C 04/23/2011
07/2011 Second Clomid 50mg cycle, BFN
08/2011 Third Clomid 50mg cycle, BFN
10/2011 First Clomid 100mg cycle with Ovidrel trigger = BFN
11/2011 Second Clomid 100mg cycle with Ovidrel trigger = BFN
12/2011 Third Clomid 100mg cycle with Ovidrel trigger = BFFN
01/2012 Fourth Clomid 100mg cycle with Ovidrel trigger = ?
So glad to hear that you are taking things in stride....even when the outcome is not as you wish. Thinking of you. Take good care of yourself-glad that DH can be home with you.
Oh I am soo sorry for this news. I really had personal hope that this was it for yoU! Dang it..I was hoping everything was over stated..because of emotions etc. My heart breaks for you! We are here for you!
I am glad that DH will be here for you! I can't comprehend (SP) as I have never been there but my hear still breaks for you~
I'm sorry. Sounds like you've got your eyes on the future and that is good. Onward!
I've been trying again for awhile. This last cycle I was two days late and I didn't even have time to take a test. I started spotting just old blood first but when I got tightening and the sharpest cramps I've ever had and huge clots. The heaviness of it would have been some what normal had my periods been 45 days apart like they used to be. But they are now 32 days apart and my last two cycles have not been even close to what I was feeling and the pain I was in. I knew that I was having a miscarriage since I've had two in my life time. This one was early so the pain didn't last as many days as my last two. On the upside to this story is that after trying almost 4 years and using fertilaid for me and my husband and motility booster for 4 months and hubby having two surgeries over the past 3 years. It's a ray of hope that his infertility has improved. He get's tested this week to make sure and if it has we may at least have a chance for IUI since we can not afford ivf with 3 children already.
My other 3 are boys 17,14 and 12 so we are starting all over again by the grace of God we will achieve more children.
I pray for those of you who are just having your first. I feel bad enough not concieving my 4th after 12 years from my last child to think you are all trying for your first and struggling my heart go's out to you. I feel selfish at times for wanting more when others have none. But my heart has always wanted more and God touched my husbands heart and here we are. Baby dust to you all.
Remember all God has perfect timing.. ;-)
God bless.