Secondary IF

Follie Check Today :-(

I am CD14 and had my follie check this morning.  My lining looks great - 9mm - which is way more than it ever has been on clomid.  As far as folllies - NONE!  There is one that is just under slightly under 10mm, and a bunch of tiny ones, but nothing really measurable.  I am so sad.

So the plan is to scrap the IUI for this cycle, use OPKs and just try on our own, but I have little hope that I will actually even end up ovulating.

 Next cycle, we will up my Femara dose to 7.5mg and do an early follie check at day 9 or so.  If nothing is really going on at that point we will add in injectables.

The good news of the day is that my prolactin is in the normal range - so at least we got that figured out.

DD: Grace (8/19/2007)
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Re: Follie Check Today :-(

  • Sorry it was a disappointment.  I responded much better to a combination of Femara and injectables (Gonal).  Good luck to you- you never know it may work out the more natural way.
  • That sucks!  :hugs:

    I seemed to have responded better when injectables (either Bravelle or Follistim) were added to the mix.

    Good luck!

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
    TTC #2 since 9/09 --- mild PCOS; Endometriosis
    IUI x4 = BFN
    IVF = sometime in 2012
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  • Sorry for the bad news....I know how you feel, I have had many cycles canceled, but mostly for my lining.  Hopefully the new combination of meds with do the trick. ((HUGS))
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Daisypath Anniversary tickers DoriBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I'm sorry they canceled your cycle, so frustrating :(  Hopefully you still get a positive opk!
    Brenna Married 4.30.05

    Mom to Teagan 4.11.07 and Cora 9.30.11

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