Hello Preemie mamas!!
My baby was born at 24 weeks weighing in at 1lb 7oz and 12 1/4 inches long due to IC and SROM. Isabella had a PDA ligation, Hydrocephalus due to a grade 3 bleed in her cerebellum. After 9 days of birth, she had a perforation in her bowel and needed to have an ostomy. She also had NEC, intubated for 1 month, CPAP for 1 month, nasula canula 1 month and off oxygen for the last most.
Isabella had 4 operations. The PDA ligation, a reservoir placed for the hydrocephalus and the ostomy. Miraculously the hydro self-resolved and the reservior was removed, she also had reanastomosis to take down the ostomy.
After 139 days in the NICU, Isabella came home at 5 lbs 15 oz. She is now 7lbs 2oz.
Re: New here (intro)