So I've only made 2 so far, and one of them isn't too pretty (the stitching is crooked, etc) but it'll still function. However, it's not too shabby considering I have never used a sewing machine before in my life and had DH and the DVD to show me how! LOL!
They fit perfectly in my travel wipes container that came with my PPB bag and I'll be working on sewing up the rest of them for the next few days. I'm so proud of myself!
Re: AW: made my own wipes! (PIP)
Check out this Bumpie Business List .
Oh! Good luck! I knew I wanted T&T wipes, so I Googled and found this page. I followed the instructions for the "tricky" method that wasn't that tricky at all!
Awesome! Thanks! I'll have to post pics when I get them done.