
What is harder than having twins?

Having twins AND a freakin broken foot. I am so upset.  I have no idea how I will get through the next 2 months.  I tripped on a stupid toy coming downstairs last night. Woke up x-rays...and sure enough, it's broken.  Now what?!
Laura, mommy to Emma & Izabel

(5 year old twin girls)


Re: What is harder than having twins?

  • Oh no!  How incredibly frustrating!  I don't have any advice, sorry, but I wanted to say that I hope it goes by quickly!  Good luck- and your siggy pic is adorable.
  • Oh no!! Hang in there!
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  • I'm so sorry! :(
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • Oh no!  I am sooo sorry.  I sprained my ankle a couple weeks ago and thought I had it bad.  Is it in a cast now?  Do you have to get around on crutches?  ((hugs))
  • I have to go get a cast tomorrow.  Since today is Sunday, i went to a walk in medical center.  They said to ice it so the swelling goes down before the cast.  I have crutches and am finding it impossible to do anything.  Plus we live in a 3 level house.... finished basement is their playroom...and our bedrooms are on the top floor. Steps are quite th e challenge. I go on my butt!  Then the girls copy me.  I think i'm going to not go to work this week.  Then I'll have our nanny here when I would normally be at work.  Tuesdays and Fridays i am on my own though.  Not sure how it's all going to pan out! :( I am so miserable.
    Laura, mommy to Emma & Izabel

    (5 year old twin girls)


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