

Hi :)


So I am 9 weeks pregnant, and to me I look too big to be only 9 weeks.  I had my first appt last week, and my doctor said they won't do an ultra sound until MARCH and that would determine if their is 2 or more! She did her "exam" and she said at that time I was only feeling to be about 7-8 weeks....  So I am asking for opinions on if you think I could possibly be having more than 1..... Or trying to see if anyone else is showing already soo early! I posted a picture, this was form last week, and I assure you I am already bigger lol

Re: Twins?

  • That early on in your pregnany it could just be really bad bloat. I really didn't show with my girls until 16/17 weeks. At 9 weeks pregnant, the baby is only about the size of an inch. So if you had 2 in there, you would only have 2 inches of baby.

    The only true indicator that you are carrying two babies is an ultrasound.

    Also, is this your first or second? If its your second, you show much sooner than with your first.

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  • bloat can be very bad early on -i looked very pregnant with my singleton pg early on- it was just bloat... i had a few weeks where i looked smaller- then suddenly looked bigger around 14 weeks, when it truly was a little baby bump.

    most of us did not "show" any earlier just bc it was twins- and you wouldn't be any bigger at 9 weeks with twins b/c they are the size of a pea.

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  • FYI:  I had no clue by my waist that I was pregnant with multiples and I had three.  I was bloated, but I assumed it was my body knowing what to do the second time around.
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  • thanks ladies!  This is my first pregnancy! Would that also be the reason I gained 14lbs?! All the bloating? I knew exactly what I weighed, I was just married, November 20 (this is a honeymoon baby ;)  ) and I have kept the same weight since last feb to keep my dress fitting like a glove!   My eating styles have not changed that much, I still to the same food I ate before, but when I went last week she said I gained 14 lbs lol....  I go this friday for my "offical" appt so I will let you know what she says then.  I was thinking it could have been only because they ran so much on his side and I come from a family of 11 bros/sisters all real, no step/multiples  and my mom's relative have them....
  • imagealerson001:
    thanks ladies!  This is my first pregnancy! Would that also be the reason I gained 14lbs?! All the bloating? I knew exactly what I weighed, I was just married, November 20 (this is a honeymoon baby ;)  ) and I have kept the same weight since last feb to keep my dress fitting like a glove!   My eating styles have not changed that much, I still to the same food I ate before, but when I went last week she said I gained 14 lbs lol....  I go this friday for my "offical" appt so I will let you know what she says then.  I was thinking it could have been only because they ran so much on his side and I come from a family of 11 bros/sisters all real, no step/multiples  and my mom's relative have them....

    Twin genetics can come from the mother's side only, so DH's family would not affect the outcome of you having multiples.  Everyone gains weight at a different pace, but 9 weeks is a little early for it to have anything to do with a baby that weighs less than an ounce.  Good luck with everything!

    BFP 4/22/09, Missed M/C on 6/9, D & C on 6/11 @ 11wks- trisomy 16 BFP 11/19/09 -CP 11/23/09 BFP 1/16/2010- m/c 1/29/2010, low progesterone BFP 6/13/2010 = twins!!! Lilypie First Birthday tickers</a
  • I am 12 weeks pregnant with twins which was confirmed with an ultrasound at 6 weeks. I felt bloated immediately and started wearing maternity clothes the first month, but my size has not changed since, I am really not showing yet, and I've lost 8 pounds (been sick for about 10 weeks). I did however gain about 10-15 on my honeymoon!!!  If you were dieting before your wedding/honeymoon, mixed with all this transition in your life, it could just be your body making a lot of adjustments.  Push your doctor for an ultrasound if you really are anxious for confirmation.
  • Interesting.. I didn't do any diets or anything and I knew it wasn't from over eating... I must be just gaining weight like a beast lol.... I get very sick around 4pm on the dot everyday.. So who knows I will just have to keep bugging my doctor on friday lol :) thanks for the advice!
  • You really can't tell from the look of your belly.  FWIW, I'm 14 weeks with twins, and I don't look pregnant to most people, just like I ate a really huge dinner.
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  • I will have to bug my doc friday then lol my stomach was fairly flat before that is what boggles me.. I will go with it is just bloating :)  It is nice to have people other then family giving me opnions.. I will let you'll know and I am sure I will have more questions if indeed God gave me more then 1 ;)
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