I'd like to get my older son out of disposable pull-ups and into some cloth trainers. My younger son is in CDs full-time, so I have all the other supplies, and I cringe everytime I pick up pull-ups at Target. Any recommendations? He's still very early in the potty-training process, so we'd need a "nighttime" one or something with a pocket that we can stuff. I've tried Happy Heinys Trainers, but the are too poofy on him around the waist. We'd need something in a size 4T, if it makes a difference.
Re: Cloth trainer recs, please?
We like our ladder hill designs night trainers. They are a pocket trainer and waterproof. You can buy her insert or use other inserts you have around. DD loves the prints. You can find her on hyena cart.
ETA: We use fleece PJs over them as a back up and we have dry sheets the rare night there is an accident.