Mine just HURT. They are OK when I'm up and around for the most part, but they make me uncomfortable when I sit. I've tried rolling them down, but they almost hurt more. I even tried a bigger size. They still hurt and sagged so I felt worse. Today the high was 32 and the low 9 or I would just rock dresses. What are you doing? Am I the only one?
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Re: Anyone over the full panel pants?
I have been wearing two sizes up from my normal size American Eagle jeans when I couldn't fit into my pre-pg pants. Maternity pants do not fit me well due to my height and size combination. If they do then I would be paying out the butt for them.
-m/c at 11w2d due to partial molar 2008 -m/c #2 2009
Beautiful daughter born February 2011
**Ultimate TTCALer 2009**
The pants I bought (and paid a hefty price for) are from Motherhood Maternity. They have a new material that they use for the panel (new as in, didn't have that kind out when I had dd four years ago) and I honestly don't even know it is there. It goes just about to my breasts and dh laughs at me! But I love them.
Now, I have a couple other pairs that SIL gave me and they are not like my MH pants. They have a very thick elastic band in them and they don't go up as high... and those are not as comfy to me.
But just today, I told dh that I am in love with my yoga pants that I use for pajamas and that I want a few more pairs of those for the last couple weeks. I don't think that anyone is overly comfortable at this point. lol
THIS. The panel itches the CRA* out of me (new pants from Motherhood) and I guess my belly is not big enough to keep them up, though they stay up better than they did several weeks ago (absolutely had to use a belly band on top). The under belly bands don't stay up, either, but at least they don't itch.
Yes, they hurt if I am sitting for a long time, but my underbelly pants hurt even worse if I wear them. I think this is because LO has carried low the entire time. TO make matters worse, (and here comes a TMI) there is the constant flow of CM that makes my undies just slightly damp, if I forget to wear a pad I am screwed. Why? because even though I am bigger, My belly just cannot seem to hold these pants up because of the inevitable snow and damp at the bottom. So, my pants fall a bit, its freezing out, and I get cold and damp on the insides of my legs. Love it. And by love it, I mean I wanna punch someone in the face every time it happens (end sarcasm here).
I am so not even considering the possibility of going out and buying more pants, I just wish that something, anything I owned was comfortable. So sorry, I have no solution, but I feel your pain, literally.
if its not PJ pants I hate them!! my jeans all dig into my belly when I sit because of the position. The Target ones end up half hanging off my ass so the jean line doesn't dig into me and the ON ones don;t cover my belly all the way wo the elasic is constantly digging into my tener belly button nub. I think my only daving grace is that I am not working right now and I have been put on modified bedrest so I spend most of my time at home anyway.
This exactly! Nothing fits right anymore. All of my pants and skirts are uncomfortable. Plus most of my maternity shirts are too short now. I'm constantly pulling up my pants and pulling down my shirts.