i just had to lower my crib mattress!
i literally cried a little bit while i was doing it! lol
my baby girl Allison pulled to stand at a little over 7 months old! i can't believe it! they just learned to crawl like 2 weeks ago!! what happened to my little babies that were 5 pounds 4 ounces and 4 pounds 7 ounces! holy cow! they change so fast!
Re: what a sad day:'(
I did the same thing when I had to lower the girls' mattresses! Just another step away from them being babies.
It seems like once my girls started crawling, everything seemed to take off from there. They went from crawling, to pulling up to stand, to cruising, all in a short time. Just wait, your girls will be there very soon! Although, my DH and I find it more tiring now than when they were waking every 3 hours. It is go, go, go from the moment they wake up to the moment they close their eyes.
yes my DH was supposed to do it over the weekend as well...but when i was sitting in the rocking chair with Ashlyn, Allison popped her head up with the biggest smile like "look at me mom!!!" and i was like okay this mattress dropping can't wait anymore! lol
I just saw that your DD's name is Ashlyn. My daughter was almost Aislin (we were going to use the traditional Gaelic spelling, but same pronounciation), but DH decided on Shea instead. I hope I have another girl so I can use it!