
Ladies with PCOS come on in!!!

Hi! Just wondering what the symptoms are of PCOS. My RE diagnosed us with male infertility, however, I really think that there is a problem with me too. My first IVF did not go well for someone my age and health. How did your RE diagnose this? I am trying to rule out things that could also be wrong with me. Thanks for your help!

Diagnosis: MFI and Egg Quality Issues IVF#1-October-BFN ER-16 eggs, 8 mature, 7 fertilized, 2transferred and no frozen IVF#2- March-Beta 3/19 ER- 12 eggs, 8 mature, 7 fertilized, 2 transferred and 1 frozen-BFN. IVF#3 July ER-19 eggs, 13 mature, 10 fertilized...waiting til Day 5 to PGD. PGD results-4 out of 5 embryos are normal and will be banked. IVF#4 Sept 11' 22 eggs, 16 mature, 15 fertilized...waiting til Day 5 to PGD. Total normal embryos banked, quality varies: FET-Nov 11'-BFP Beta #1: 156, Beta #2: 489 First u/s revealed TWINS!! 2nd u/s= 2 beautiful heartbeats! 12/17 Lost one of the twins :(BabyFruit Ticker

Re: Ladies with PCOS come on in!!!

  • My bloodwork showed signs of PCOS. It was then confirmed while checking my follies for IUI #2 when I had the classic "strand of pearls."

    Sorry about your problems. I hope y'all get through it quickly!

    After 3 1/2 years of hope and prayers, our sweet baby girl is here! Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • PCOS is diagnosed by b/w and u/s. My b/w was borderline, but u/s confirmed the diagnosis. I also have weight problems, acne, extra hair, & annovulatory cycles. What symptoms do you have that make you suspect PCOS?
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
    Married 1/2/99.
    TTC since 4/09.
    Diagnosed PCOS. Diagnosed Hypothryoid 11/09.
    SHG & SA normal. PCOS Research study started 5/10.
    Clomid/Femara cycle #1 - 6/10 = BFN
    Clomid/Femara cycle #2 - 7/10 = BFP #1 - Missed miscarriage 9/2/10
    11/12 - BFP #2 - 11/22 - m/c
    5/1/11 - BFP #3 - Pre-eclampsia, IUGR & bed rest from 32w. DD born via induction 1/4/12.
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  • imageelainelbuck:
    PCOS is diagnosed by b/w and u/s. My b/w was borderline, but u/s confirmed the diagnosis. I also have weight problems, acne, extra hair, & annovulatory cycles. What symptoms do you have that make you suspect PCOS?

    this!  Hope they are able to get you through this!!

    Jennifer TTC #1 Dx PCOS 2009 Apr, Aug, and Sept tried clomid cycles.... BFN. Oct...DH SA results were normal. Me...HSG - left tube was clear, right tube was slightly blocked. Dec - Clomid #4 200mg Feb 2010 - IUI #1 200mg Clomid = BFN. June 2010 - IUI #2 200mg Clomid = BFN. March 2011 - IUI #3 w/ injectables = BFN (1st & last with RE, moving on to IVF). July 2011 - consult for IVF. Sept 2011, 1st IVF. Got our BFP on 10/2/11. Became a mom on 5/5/12 to a beautiful baby boy! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
  • Mine was confirmed with blood work. I had had an ultrasound a couple months prior to my diagnosis which came out normal. However I hadn't had my period in 4 months so they ran a full hormonal blood panel and confirmed. I can't remember what confirmed it I was in so much shock when I received the news. It might have been high LH it might have been high Androgens. I remember the doctor said that something was almost double something else, but I was too shocked to pay attention.

    I have been wondering ever since. I really need to go back and ask her. Anyways, my symptoms.. the only reason I went to see the doctor was because I was annovulatory (Didn't get my period/ovulate) and I had always had fairly regular cycles. It took them a whole 4 months to finally do a hormonal panel after checking individual things like my thyroid. To be fair to them though I wasn't going in too often because this was all happening right before and after my wedding/Honeymoon.


    Things I didn't realize were related untill I got my diagnosis:

    My hair was falling out, it had been for 8 months or so and I had seen a doctor a couple times because of it. (at this time I didn't have a family doctor) They always said it was "just stress". They checked my thyroid and iron levels. They found Thyroid function was normal but my iron was low. Prescribed iron supplements.

    I have pretty bad acne.

    I have a slight bit of hair on my upper lip. To the point where I occasionally pluck, but no one has ever mentioned it to me before.

    I gain weight around my midsection when I gain. That being said I am a lean PCOS'er I am 5'8.5 and weigh 135 pounds. I was up to 155 about 4 months prior to my wedding and lost 20 pounds before the wedding and have stayed that way since.

     I struggled with depression when I was younger but have no idea if this was related or if it was just the typical teen angst. I am still a fairly anxious (but happy!) person, I tend to be a worrier and stress myself out.  Not sure if that is related because my father is the same way. 


    Married 07/17/2010
    Diagnosed with PCOS 10/20/2010 
    TTC since Oct 2010 
    BFP #1 March 31st 2011 Due December 10 2011 
    Missed m/c discovered June 2nd 2011 at 12w4d
    D&C scheduled June 7th 2011 at 13w2d
    Found out our baby boy had Triploidy XXY through embryopathology
    BFP #2 September 28th 2011 Due June 8th 2012
    Missed m/c discovered November 20th 2011 at 11w2d
    D&C November 29th 2011 at 12w4d
    Found out our baby girl had Monosomy X through embryopathology
    BFP #3 April 24th 2012 Due January 5th 2013
    Betas falling on 04/26/12 Chemical Pregnancy
    RPL testing done, multi nodular goiters on thyroid discovered.

    BFP #4 November 22nd 2012, Due August 5th 2013
    Betas: 17 @ 9dpo, 62 @ 11dpo, 124 @ 12dpo, 321 @ 14dpo 720 @ 16dpo 13,805 @ 23 dpo 
    First ultrasound at 6w3d, hb 122 bpm. 
    Second ultrasound at 7w3d hb 143 bpm 
    Third ultrasound at 10w1d hb 167-170 bpm 
    Forth ultrasound 12w1d hb 167 bpm 
    Graduated rpl program, moving on to regular ob! 
    It's a boy! 

    Little man was born August 1st 2013, 7lbs 8oz and 20.5 inches long

  • It took a while for me to get diagnosed cause when I was a teenager they just put me on BCP. But I knew something was up. I had really irregular periods....I wasnt overweight but I noticed it was all in my mid section. Later on when I got serious with my boyfriend (now DH) we werent as careful. Never got pregnant, I thought I was lucky since at the time I was only 17! So when we got married I knew we were going to have trouble. So obgyn did various test but nothing. Then when I went to a RE he saw it in my ultrasound and bloodwork.

    Diagnosed PCOS 2005 Put on Metformin 7 long cycles of CLOMID! 2xClomid+Follistim+Ovidrel timeD bd and preseed! Feb2007-BFP! NOv172007 Baby girl Jaylene was BOrn!!! TTC number 2 amazing! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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