Jack david jones born jan 4th at 8:55am. He wieghed 9lbs, 6oz!!! 20 inches long. All the docs & nurses were impressed at his weight that they weighed the placenta for curiousty purposes, a whopping 2lbs! Needless to say, my belly has shrunk soo much I could possibly fit into prepregnancy pants. So I had a scheduled csection and it went perfectly, from spinal to pulling jack out, to recovery room, all great. my last csection went awful, recovery was 3 weeks of hell. So its been a little over 24hrs from,surgery. They removed cathedar, I can stand & walk around, eating solids... still trying to pee on own. Jack is amazing, he has the biggest chubby cheeks which have dimples in them! Im very blessed with a smooth surgery, and recovery. Also for my healthy jack. 2 !kids under age two here I come!
Re: Had my chunky baby :)
Congratulations and I'm glad to hear that your recovery is going much more smoothly this time!