Florida Babies

no baby yet...and no more contrax

How crazy is this?

I started having contrax Sat night 12 min apart.  (no pain, just tightening).  I talked to my friend who I was with and she said that's how her's started, she felt no pain until they were 5 min. apart.  Anyway, by the time I went to bed they were closer to 8-9 min. apart.  I woke up and they were 7 min. apart. Went to church and breakfast and then they were like 6 min. apart. Went home to feed the cat etc. thinking we were going to have to head to the hospital soon. But then the contrax. spread out and were like 10 min. apart until Sun night at like 9:00.  Then they just decided to go away completely and I haven't had them since.  So weird.  I've never heard of BH being that regular for so long.

I called my OB office this morning and talked to one of the nurses.  She thought this was also weird and wanted to speak to my Dr. then call me back.  We wanted to see if the Dr. should see me today instead of waiting until my sched. appt tomorrow morning.  She never called me back.  So I called again around 3:00pm, and she said she was waiting to get my chart back and that if I don't hear from her by 4 to call her back.  I reminded her that she was checking to see if the Dr. wanted to see me today and that if I waited until then it would be too late.  She said "That's right, I'll go find your chart and call you right back." Suprise, she never did.  I was at work so of course I got busy and tried calling again at 4:35, and the office closed at 4:30.  I guess I will be waiting until my appt tomorrow morning.  Grrr....

Sorry about the vent.  I just thought having regular BH for 30 hours was a little odd.

Re: no baby yet...and no more contrax

  • Im sorry to hear that.......Keep us updated!
  • That exact thing started happening to me around 32 weeks. For weeks I thought I would go into labor at any moment and wound up being induced at 41 weeks. Mine were Braxton Hicks everytime, they would get very close together all during the day into the evening, then they would spread out and then they would stop by the time I went to bed. Hang in there, I know it's frustrating!! And hound that doctor, that isn't very professional of them to not call back!!
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