HI ladies, I used to post on the natural birth board but my internet has been acting retarded lately. Does anyone know if its safe to attempt another vbac months after doing the first one. I just did a vbac in october and was curious as to the likelihood of doing another within a year. TIA!
Re: 2u1?
I agree 100%.
Soxchamps - thank you so much for your response It's greatly appreciated.
The other 2 that responded, wow just wow!
I don't have much info on this. I'm not sure if there are any studies about timing a VBAC after a previous successful VBAC. But I know that your odds of uterine rupture go down a lot after you've had a VBAC already, so I imagine you would be ok with another pregnancy happening soon. Have you talked to a doctor or midwife about it?
My guess is you have never seen someone you love hurt by the casual use of the r-word. I think Marge was being serious, as was I. Take time to look at the site. Watch the videos of people with intellectual disabilities telling how people using that word make them feel. I apologize for hijacking the post, but I can't let the use of that word (or several others) slip by.
Yes, I was being serious. And I was also trying to be as polite about it as possible. I cannot fathom how anyone, let alone a parent, could use that word in everyday speech. It's hurtful to people with intellectual disabilities.
I remember reading that too. I think that a first time mom has a rupture rate of .05% and a VBACing mom has a rupture rate of .07%. After having a vaginal delivery (either first vaginal or VBAC) your rate goes down to something like .02 or .03% I think.
I had a VBAC in August 09 and got pregnant again when DD was 9 months old. We are planning a HBAC and my midwives are comfortable with it.