enablers is what you all are.
I'm never up at 7am when she stocked and I forgot until I came on here. I wanted the dino print really bad but I got work zone instead. DH loves it.
Guess I'll get the dino print from MS when she stocks eventhough their almost giving him plumbers crack. haha
Re: I just bought a twinkie tush.
Fitteds are more expensive because of the materials used and they are made by WAHMs. The good ones generally run from $20-$30.
I actually have 4 BB available. I found the other one at the bottom of his dresser. I think DH put that there. haha.
I too have a big boy and the MS run smaller then most fitteds. She came out with a todderl size but wow its huge. I'll keep buying a couple more MS fitteds because they still fit him nicely and I do love the fit. His thighs take a up a ton of the rise in any diapers because they are HUGE.
There is a post down at the bottom of the page (i think) and she said they were more absorbent then GM but not as much as B4. I only have B4's to compare too.
How much does you LO weigh? Do you know his thing measurments? Weird questions I know. And could you send me a pic of the bb they're med right? elisabethcrowl at gmail dot com thanks!
It's pretty close. IMO, they are more absorbent then GM's but not quite as absorbent as B4's. I really like some of TT's boy/gn prints better than b4's so that helps too. Plus, I always miss out on the prints I like on B4. Pretty soon though, it's going to be a stalking day on TT's. LOL
DS1: 10/2005 DS2: 01/2007 DS3: 09/2010
he's 24 pounds. 29ish inches long.
I'll send it to you later.
DS is not entertained by his mum mum anymore. haha.
OMG I just reread what I typed and totally did not mean to type thing it was suppose to say thigh... wow that sounded really wrong especially because I typed weird questions I know after that. I'm so sorry! haha
hahaha! I didn't even realize thats what it said. lol. I'm going to measure his thighs now and i'll update in this post.
ETA- his thighs are 13 1/2 around where the diapers hit.
Emailing you now.