3rd Trimester

31 weeks tomorrow. Sharp pains on left side (on and off for days)

Anyone have issues with sharp pinching/stabbing pains in their side?Almost like the pain you get on your side after running a long distance and getting a cramp.

It has been happening on and off for 3-4 days and when it happens it hurts so bad I have to lie down because walking, sitting up, breathing deep, etc HURTS. Sometimes it is also in the ovary region as well. And when my lil guy jabs me during one of these episodes(which he always does!) it hurts extra bad :(


Seems to happen most after I eat and when I have a full bladder.

I called the on-call doc last night who said it's no biggie just normal pains unfortunately, but I just wanted to get some other input. 

 My twins were born @ 24w5d so I have NO experience being this far along and feeling all these constant discomforts.

(note:At my last US I was told my son was larger than average by about a pound, but after doing glucose testing everything was normal (no diabetes, etc. so is it just a matter of having less and less room in there? If so I can imagine that you are ALL feeling some degree of this :(

Re: 31 weeks tomorrow. Sharp pains on left side (on and off for days)

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    I had a similar pain around this time, which I would describe as muscular feeling and mostly on one side.  It was my LO turning himself head down....I don't know if it is the same for you.  If it continues to bother you call your DR again, that's what they are there for!

    GL! Hope you feel better soon!

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    Round Ligament Pain....that is exactly how it feels.
    DD (8/12/09), DD (2/8/11)
    BFP 12/16/14| EDD 8/19/15 |MMC 1/15/15 (9 weeks 1 day)
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    I am only 27 weeks, but having the same pains since yesterday.  They don't last more than a few seconds, and it's always on my left side.  Last night anytime I moved it would happen, and today on the way into work if I hit a bump I would feel it.  I'm now sitting at my desk and it happens a few times an hour.  I'm really starting to freak myself out, because my Dr told me that I have a short cervix, and I keep thinking that I'm going into pre-term labor.  I want to call the doctor, but I know they'll tell me it's normal and to relax.
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    I had the same pain on my left side right below my ribs.  My doctor thought it was my gallbladder.  I'd definitely bring it up at your next appointment, could be gall stones or just sludge in there.  Hope you feel better!
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    You might like to check out this link for information on pregnancy. This one gives you information - https://pregnancyandbaby.sheknows.com/pregnancy/Pregnancy--Week-by-Week/index.htm

    It deals with what?s happening as weeks go by just choose the week you want to know something about.

    Now as for me - my team of doctors told me that usually sometime around week 30 and thereafter your body starts having contraction known as BH as if baby is on the way out. They said this is completely normal - not to worry some women have what?s also known as RLP. These are usually caused by baby moving around, changing positions, growing, taking up more room, etc., in the uterus. These do continue to progress as your pregnancy progresses until final delivery. Some are quite painful others are not. It?s just part of the pregnancy process. Not all women get as many as some do - others only have them toward the end of their pregnancies.

    Others have mentioned several things on here which I concur with are possibly what are happening in your case.

    I?ve placed what week 31 is like as well as its link here:

    Your pregnancy now: 31 weeks
    Age since conception: 29 weeks [more about dates]


    What your baby's up to
    In the third trimester all your baby is doing is growing big enough so that he can be born. From now until the end of your pregnancy, your baby will gain weight faster than he'll increase in length. By now the baby's lungs and digestive tract are nearly mature. Your baby's irises can now dilate and contract in response to light. Due to the deposits of white fat underneath the skin your baby's skin is no longer red, but is now the wonderful newborn pink color. His fingernails may reach the end of the hands, too. Your baby is now a little over 3 pounds and is 16 inches long.

    You may worry that if you are breathless from walking or sometimes even just sitting that your baby is in danger. This is not true. Your baby is getting plenty of oxygen from your placenta.

    About you and your body
    Your abdomen may be aching as it swells and your rib cage and pelvis may be sore as the baby gets bigger and fills up all the space you have available. It's a wonderful thing that your baby is growing so well, but it may not feel that way. You will find yourself with lots of aches and pains from the pressure and the decreased amount of room in your abdomen. Most frequently experienced are pelvic and back pain. This would be a great time to ask your partner for a back rub or to invest in a heating pad. Also, don't forget that maintaining good posture, exercise and stretching can help, too.

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    I had the same pain on my left side right below my ribs.  My doctor thought it was my gallbladder.  I'd definitely bring it up at your next appointment, could be gall stones or just sludge in there.  Hope you feel better!


    ummm....are you sure it was your left side?  Your gallbladder is on the right side, right under your ribcage....



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    yup, gall bladder is is on your right side.  had mine out shortly after last baby was born!

    could it possibly be gas.  that is a nasty thing that can do painful stuff to your body!  good luck!

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    Oh man...I feel your pain.  I am 30 weeks today and my son is approx 4 lbs already. From what you were describing, it sounds like that might be round ligament pains.  Mine go into spasm and when they do it feels like a knife along the side of my uterus. Then I notice that once they go into spasm they are tender and are more apt to spasm again....and again.

      I wish you the best...hang in there...just a few more weeks right!

    Best wishes,


    EDD: 3/8/11

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    I am having those often and I am 33 weeks today.  Iy hurts really bad and I cant move, like, I must stay very still. I asked my doc if they could be contractions only on the left side and she said yes.  Who knows, just finally ready to meet my little Daisy:)
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    My doctor said that pain on the lower left was a combo of where the baby was and bowel pressure (from constipation.) So if you're not regular, it could be that.  
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    I had lots of RLP through 1st and 2nd tri. It always happened to me when I'd stand up to quickly and would only last for a few seconds. It's a sharp pain right where your ovary is on either side, sometimes radiating down my inner thigh, often going well up my stomach. Sometimes it would also present as a dull ache for a few hours on one side only. 

    Now if anything hurts low, it tends to be either BH or gas. SO could be any one of those 3 things.
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