So last night we both agreed that we like this name for a girl...which spelling do you prefer?
Cameron or Camryn?
I wanted to use Jane as a middle name (after my grandma), but don't like it with this name... esp since our last name ends in 'ns'... that's too many n's at the end of the names. Any suggestions?
Re: Which spelling? And how about a MN?
I actually like Jane with Cameron. And prefer the Cameron spelling. I'd stick to a one syllable mn.
So excited for Baby #4!
I think Cameron Jane sounds good.
Cameron Elizabeth
Cameron Grace
Cameron Faith
Cameron Elyse / Elise
Cameron Adele
Cameron Nicole
Cameron Mae
Cameron Denise
Cameron Michelle
Hope some help.
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Love Jane.
Please no 'y' in Cameron.
Love love love it for a girl! Cameron Jean is my #1 choice on my girl list right now. (Jean is my moms MN and a family name.)
I thought about Cameryn or Camryn to make it more feminine, but just really dislike the way it looks. Cameron Diaz pulls it off with the "male spelling." I do have a female friend with the MN Kameron, but that was her mom's maiden name, so the spelling wasn't to feminize or anything.