North Dakota Babies

Stella's birth story - a little long :)

Hey ladies! Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. I am trying to figure out how to function and thank goodness for Natalee listening to me vent this past weekend. I'm just super frustrated that my milk has not come in yet. I have an appointment tomorrow with a lactation specialist at the hospital at 10am and Stella will be weighed at the same time. But here's Stella's birth story.

Last Sunday before I went to bed, I asked DH to please email his boss that he would going with me to my last appointment with the OB on Monday so we could chat about induction. At around 3:50am, I felt like I really needed to pee and just made it to the bathroom when my water broke. My first thought was - - Oh crap! It's really happening. I finished up and walked back into the bedroom to let DH it was go time. DHs response was - well, about time. :) We both took our time - I showered, we ate some toast and then out the door we went to the hospital. They checked me in at 5:30am.

Around 9:30am they started me on meds to get my contractions to be a little stronger. Most of the day we just sat around and watched TV. I was starving just waiting for something to happen. Around 5pm they started letting me know that even with all the meds, the contractions were not consistent and if they didn't pick up that we would have to chat about options. Both DH and I were both scared that a C-Section was around the corner. They really punched up the meds and around 6pm the contractions were so bad, I asked for an epidural. Once they gave me the epi, I finally started relaxing and things really started moving along.

I started napping on and off and around 9pm the nurse came in to say they were going to set up the room. I was having contractions without really feeling them, but I do remember feeling a pressure that something was happening. Around 9:30ish pm they started coaching me through pushing. Next thing I know it's 10:33pm and they are announcing that the baby is here. Both DH and I yelled out - it's a girl at the same time. I was so in shock but so happy. They put Stella on my chest and I just sobbed. She weighed 7.7lbs and was 20 inches long. She was taken away to be cleaned up while I got a little stitching from my 2nd degree tear.

They got us into our room at 3:30am and the following 2 days plus this past week once we got home on Wednesday have been a blur. Lack of sleep and hormones are getting to me more than I could think possible - but Stella is totally worth it. Oh -and Stella was named after DHs grandmother who is no longer with us. Rose was just another name we both loved and I love calling her our little hippie.

I really admire all you ladies - - it is amazing to hear all your stories and be a part of such strong and wonderful ladies. Thanks again for all your support and kind words. I am hoping to get some pics for Stella's birth announcement this week. Just seems like time escapes me once the day starts. Hope to be back on the board soon - but until then - HAPPY HOLIDAYS and HAPPY NEW YEAR. p.s. if you made it this far - - here's to some yummy holiday cookies!

Re: Stella's birth story - a little long :)

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    Just seems like time escapes me once the day starts.

    I totally can relate to this.

    Great birth story!  So happy everything went well and your little hippie is here!  If you need some BFing help, feel free to call me - my number's on the Nestie Master list Smile

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    I hope your milk comes in really soon, I can't imagine how frustrating that would be. 

    Congrats on Stella, it's so amazing, isn't it?  And the blur part, mine lasted for several months.  Things just seemed to fly by.

    Do your best to relax and enjoy every second you can.


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    Aw congratulations Dana.  I'm so happy for you.  Keeping my fingers crossed that yoru milk comes in full force soon.  Keep your chin up!!
    Katy and Brett ~ Runaway Bay, Jamaica ~ October 4, 2008

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    Awww, I am so happy for you. Welcome to Mommyhood. I can definitely relate with "time escaping". It gets easier, I promise. I hope your healing well, unforunately I can also relate to the second degree tear, Ouch!!

    Congrats again, can't wait to see more pictures. BTW, I love her name!!

    Nicole and Michael~Las Vegas~May 31, 2008
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    Beautiful story. Thanks for sharing. I hope the lactation consultant (or Cristina!) is able to help you. Hang in there, it DOES get better, & the bond the two of you will have will be worth every tearful struggle! {{hugs}}
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    Beautiful story. Thanks for sharing. I hope the lactation consultant (or Cristina!) is able to help you. Hang in there, it DOES get better, & the bond the two of you will have will be worth every tearful struggle! {{hugs}}
    I couldn't have said it better!
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    Congrats, Dana! Beautiful name and a beautiful birth story. Good luck with breastfeeding and rest and hormones.
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    sweet story! I'm all happy teary eyed. Congrats and welcome Stella!
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