Parenting after 35

First day of potty training

Well, we officially started potty training Ellie today!  She actually went poop on the potty at preschool earlier this week, so today I decided to bite the bullet and get started.  She had two wet accidents and no successes on the potty but I am hopeful that she will start to get it soon because both accidents she seemed pretty bothered by the sensation.  I think I must be insane to be starting this now, with a week to Christmas, a trip to CA coming up, and me going back to work right after the holidays.  Oh well, she was ready;  she was asking to wear underwear and sometimes asks to sit on the potty even though she doesn't do anything.  And she's almost three;  I'm ready to stop changing her diapers!

Here's hoping tomorrow goes well!

Eleanor Paige, born 3/27/08 Noah Christopher, born 10/2/10 Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

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