Minnesota Babies

Choosing a Preschool

Anyone have any advice on what to look for?  Is there a website out there that lists all the liscensed ones (similar to the daycare listing)? 

So far, I think I want two days a week and in the mornings, and I would prefer the teachers to have degree in early childhood education. 

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Re: Choosing a Preschool

  • As far as picking a preschool, I think any program that comes recommended from other parents and that gives you the 'warm fuzzies' when you visit will be great.

    If there are things that are important to you, definitely ask them, but your basic requirements are a great starting point and when you find the right spot, I honestly think 'you just know'

    I'm not sure why I think this, but I feel like one of these might be close to you, and I can rave about both of them :)



  • Where are you in MN.  I loved Primrose for my middle daughter.  If you have one near you.  SHe was/is a very shy child and they were wonderful.  We still stop in there from time to time, even though she is in 2nd grade now and I stay home with the toddler. 
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  • My daughter goes to the Wargo Nature Center preschool and we love it. It through our school district. She gets to play outside every day, unless the temps are too cold. She has a great time and we plan on putting DS in it when he's ready for preschool.

    9/24/2011 Plymouth Firefighters 5k: 47:13
    11/12/2011 Diva Dash 5k: 45:45
    5/5/2012 STEM school 5k TBD Coming up in 2012:
    6/10/2012 Walk to Remember SIDS foundation 5k
    (in memory of a sweet baby boy)
    11/10/2012 Diva Dash 5k
  • We do the preschool through our ECFE program.  It's separate, but similar philosophy of the two days a week, the first day we are with our child for an hour.  Sometimes we then leave, and other times we have parent ed classes.  The second day is drop-off.  They offer sibling care.

    Babies are so easy compared to kids who are growing up age 2, 3, 4, 5... so I found it invaluable to have a room full of equally puzzled, annoyed, frustrated parents dealing with the same stuff.  :) I can't imagine if I had just dropped off how out of the loop I would have been as far as what my kid was learning, doing, enjoying, and that parent connection.

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