Do the Thirsty Duo size one fit newborns? I guess it probably depends on the size of the newborn but I don't know the size of my newborn yet so I am talking in general. TIA.
My DD was 8lb3oz & while we could have used Duos size 1 they were quite big on her. It wouldn't have leaked b/c of the double gusset, but they don't have a divet for the cord area so when we tried to sue them 2-3 times it caused irritation & bleeding there so we stopped until it was well healed around 5 wks. I preferred Bummis Super Brite for NB phase. They are smaller (4-9lbs I think). I've heard Proraps are good also for that new time.
By the time my girls came home from the NICU, their cords had fallen off so we never dealt with that with CD's. Thirsties Duo size 1 did fit them though from the time they came home at 5-6lbs. They were on the smallest size, but they worked. If you can find any, the XS Thirsties AIO worked very well in the early days too.
TTC#1 since Mar 2008. Serious MFI due to cancer.
3 cancelled IUI's, just about every test in the book.
IVF#1 - BFP! Twin girls arrived 2/5/10 at 35w2d.
I used the thirsty duo size one wrap with my dd and she was only 6lb 10oz at birth. no problems. I have my doubts that it will work when she?s older. I just don?t see it fitting to 9 months, but we?ll see. no complaints so far.
Re: Thirsties question
DD1 born 5/24/10.
Missed M/C at 14 wks Feb 2012.
DD2 born 5/14/13.
Missed M/C at 9 wks July 2015.