
What does it mean when I feel like my nerves are on edge all the time?

I seriously feel on edge all the time.

What the hell is it? Anxiety?

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Re: What does it mean when I feel like my nerves are on edge all the time?

  • I feel the same. I think it's just the stress of kids, work, and life itself.
  • That's how I feel all the time as well.  My therapist says it's anxiety which I'm now being medicated for.  I see a noticeable difference being on medicine.
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  • They say it's anxiety.

    Mine is more like rage.  I can flip like a switch....but apparently, that's because I don't know how to better manage my anxiety.  So, yea, it's anxiety.


    Sorry babe! 


  • Anxiety.  I flipped my lid on D in Walmart the other day!  Gah.   He makes me so anxious!! :)
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  • It means you should come down and drink with me.

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