Just wondering where I can find affordable newborn diapers if I choose not to/fail at making them?
For DD I have BG 3.0 OS Pockets, KaWaii OS Pockets, NuBunz OS Pockets and 2 daypacks of flips plus about 30 prefolds and covers.
We don't use the Flips or prefolds with covers. DH and I both far prefer our pockets and the few AIOs that our awesome neighbor passed along to us (the prefolds and covers are from her as well). We are wondering where to get some newborn sized diapers (not one size) for ceaper than BG's would cost
Re: cheap diapers?
Kawaii has some pockets that are 6 lb +:
$6 each, less if you buy in bulk.
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Cloth Diaper Review Sheet