I have a call into the OB right now and I'm not all that worried I guess, but I woke up this morning with what I felt like was an anxiety attack that wouldn't stop. My heart beat really hard against my chest and ever since then it's been racing.
I'm chilling on the couch with some water right now, but I'm wondering what this could be? Just a fluke? My blood pressure has been slowly getting higher, but my labs for pre-e are all good and fine. Anyone know what this could be?
Re: Anyone have heart palpatation/racing heart?
I had this exact thing happen to me. After mentioning it twice to my OB, she had me see a cardiologist (for an EKG). They didnt' expect to find anything, and they didn't. Everything was fine. In reality, your heart is working hard to pump all that extra blood. The only thing I found that helped was rest and water.
I would definitely tell the doc - but don't be surprised if they are not overly concerned.
FWIW, my BP had slowly been creeping up too and I ended up developing pre-E. I have no idea if the two were related.
good luck!
I had it in the late first trimester and again right before delivery. I ended up having an echo the Friday before my section and everything was normal, just all the extra blood. My doctor just told me to take it easy and lay off the caffeine.
It's probably nothing, but definitely worth mentioning to your doctor.
This sounds a lot like what I'm going through, I'm getting headaches a lot more frequently and feeling faint with flashing spots. My blood pressure was just higher than usual the last couple of appts., so it was 138/88 and 135/84.
Larkin and Bryce