I'm just heartbroken for them....sisters that I went to school with lost their mom very unexpectedly last night.
Unless my memory is mush, this is the first time I've had a friend lose a parent, and I'm just way emotional about it. The younger sister just got married a year ago, got pregnant, then moved back home to be by the grandparents while raising their child. The baby is about 2 months old. I just can't imagine, and it's so gut-wrenching to see her posts on FB (about 3-4 through the night). Their dad is one of my dad's good friends, and I had to call and tell him this morning.
Anywho....ugh. Makes me want to be friendless, just because I can't handle seeing friends so hurt and upset.
Re: Ugh.....friends' mom passing away.
One of my best friends lost her mom to cancer 7 years ago. I never knew what to say to her...I just felt so awful. And since then, I feel like her mom not being there has overshadowed all of the major events in her life...wedding, babies, etc. Her wedding day was particularly rough b/c her dad was upset all day and trying not to show it.
When she had her first baby, I told her all the time to just call me if she needed anything at all (b/c I wouldn't have survived the newborn stages without my mom), but she was too stubborn to ask for help.
I'm so sorry your friends are going through this. Lucky for you, you just can't understand how their feeling. But you can remind them all the time that you are there for anything and that you are praying for their family...I think that's really the best you can do. I guess I also like to do something little each year to remind my friend that I remember her mom...like making a donation to the cancer fund every october.