
Restaurants that sing for birthdays?

Ds wants to go out to eat to a restaurant that sings to him for his birthday today.  We usually go to Bugaboo Creek but they closed the one near us.  These are the restaurants that are near us...anyone ever been to any of these and seen them sing?  Is it something a kid would like?

TGI Fridays, Bertucci's and Red Robin

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Re: Restaurants that sing for birthdays?

  • I know Red Robin sings.  They did for my DH (much to his dismay) and tied two balloons together that he wore under his chin.
    Wendy Twins 1/27/06. DS and DD
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  • Red Robin, and it's definitely a kid's place.

    TGI Fridays - haven't been there in years, but I know they used to way back when.

    Also - your lineup of restaurants sounds very similar to where I am.  In case it's the same area....I've also been at the 99 Restaurant and seen/heard them sing for birthdays.

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