Nurseries and Baby Gear

suggestions needed! pip

Here's what we have of the nursery so far. We went with an ikea gulliver crib and the hemnes 3 drawer chest. We were going to get the white chest but when we saw it in person we weren't thrilled with it. The white was off a little and it looked too plasticy. We decided to try the red and hope it worked.


 The paint colors were already there. We were going to paint it all yellow now we have the red dresser and wonder if we should just leave it how it is.


 I bought these pulls and really like how they look on the dresser.

I'm concerned that the room looks to unisex-boyish though. I wasn't sure a fan of all the pastels and overly girly things. I mean, I think it's adorable - but not me. My husband wasn't digging goign with pink. I'd like to try to add some more femine touches but I'm not exactly sure how to do that.

 Do you think painting the room all yellow would help? Any other ideas?

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Re: suggestions needed! pip

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    I think the room looks great so far. I love the idea of a white crib and a different color dresser (I'm not a fan of matchy matchy). I like the walls that way, but maybe a lighter color will make the room seem more like a nursery, since it looks a little mature now. I don't think the room looks boyish at all.... the dresser pulls are girly, and you can bring other girly accessories (with frames on the wall, a dainty lamp, etc). Also, the bedding can have an impact on if it looks boyish or girly.
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    I think the room looks good as is, it does look unisex, but that can be fixed with painting over the red with yellow. :)
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    You could add little bits of a pink in more of a bubblegum shade. :) I love pink though. :)

    Or  if you can add some girly prints in sheets, curtains, cushions, things like that use a simple floral similar to the look of the knobs, in the reds and yellows.

    I wouldn't say it looks to boyish right now, but I could see it leaning that way if your accessories and fabrics are to simple or boyish. Go more the route of simple florals, and cute polka dots, and feminine items in the colors that you both like. 




    These fabric are both kind of what I was talking about. I found them at  I just seached for red and yellow floral, but the link should take you straight to that search results page.


    Good Luck!

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    I LOVE the red on the walls. With the dresser being red, I think it balances the room.

    To make it more girly, maybe add fabric (bedding, changing pad cover, curtains, etc...) with a feminine pattern that ties both of your colors together. Maybe something like this...


    Or these...

    Custom Crib Bedding Heather Bailey Bijoux/Pop Garden Poppy Leaf PURCHASE WITH SET OR ITEM

    DS#1- Born August 2011 

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    My only comment is that I've read that bright walls like red and yellow are not soothing to a baby, the lighter shades of those colors tend to calm babies more. But every baby is different. I like the color though, it's different and fun! 
    Best of luck! Veronica :)Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    I LOVE the room so far ... bright colors are actually really great for helping babies eyes focus and learn to recognize colors and patterns  :)  I agree with some of the PPs who PIPed swatches of florals ... if you want to make the room a little more feminine, go for some girly patterns, maybe a ruffled valence?  Or a cutesy throw pillow if you have a rocker/glider?  

    Can't wait to see the finished room! 

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