Nurseries and Baby Gear

Organizing baby clothes etc.

How have you organized your dresser drawes? We have a large walk in closet and a large 3 drawer dresser/hutch. Also, is there anything out there that can be purchased to organize the smaller items in drawers like socks, etc. If anyone has pictures that would be great!

Re: Organizing baby clothes etc.

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    there is a link to some drawer organizers.
    amazon also has some with prime shipping if you are a prime member. i just searched 'drawer organizer'

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    I have pictures in my bio of how we dd's closet when she was a baby.  We are doing the same thing for ds. 
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    IKEA also has great drawer organizers that are easy to pop in and move around as needed.
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    I got the container store organizers -- a long, thin one for socks and another one that is the same length but wider and separated into two square containers for hats -- cotton and knit, I'm using them for.

    I have a 4-drawer dresser. I've organized them into:

    top drawer: NB clothes
    2nd: 3 month clothes
    3rd: swaddle blankets/sleep sacks/outdoor clothes
    4th: blankets/burp cloths/diaper pail liners

    I have a little bin shelf next to my dresser for diapers and toiletries/ Now that she's out of NB clothes, the 3 month clothes have moved up a drawer, and the second drawer is now for mostly outdoor clothes. Her closet, for now, is stuff she doesn't wear yet and fancy stuff.

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    We have the Ikea drawer organizers too.  They work great and are cheap!
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    I just started organizing the baby clothes this weekend.  I bought some small baskets from Michaels that I am using for socks...2 fit in a drawer.   Their baskets are often on sale and there are always coupons, so I paid about $6.50 each.
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