
So offensive it's funny.

I volunteer at a food pantry on Mondays. This morning we took the truck to the big central food bank to get a load to take back to the pantry.

As we were wrapping things up another volunteer spied a large pallet of day-old pastries from Wal-Mart so she and I decided to go through them to get some pumpkin pies. It is Thanksgiving after all, right?

So there's this cantankerous eccentric older dude who also volunteers with us and he saw us going through the desserts. He made a few snide remarks about unhealthy foods and I just laughed him off by saying, "Oh, look at us going through and picking out the good pies! You can tell we're the ones with the sweet tooth!"

He looked me over and said something to the effect of, "It's apparent your extra layer of fat must come from all that sugar."

I couldn't believe it. Who says something like that? It was so outrageous that I could only laugh. This grumpy old dude is seriously out-there and funny, lol!

Re: So offensive it's funny.

  • Some people can say those things and get away with it. You could have always said, "Wow, you must be so wise from being so OLD!"
    DS1 10-06 and DS2 9-08 and baby #3 EDD 9-05-12
  • OMG!  Who says that!?!  I wonder if when we get old we won't care what we say.  oy! 
    Madelyn 3/1/07 image, Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • Loading the player...
  • You know, once you get to be a certain age, you don't have to use your filter.  Evidently, he's gotten to that age!   

    I probably would have laughed too... I mean what else can you do?!

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