Cloth Diapering

Confused about Tide

I keep reading conflicting things about using Tide detergent.  Right now, I'm still just in prepping stage.

I started prepping with regular liquid Tide but read that liquid Tide is a no-no.  Then I read on pinsandstripes laundry detergent chart that even powdered regular Tide is a no-no but Free and Gentle Tide is ok.

So I bought some Free and Gentle Tide powder and then I read on Jillian's Drawers that Free and Gentle is NOT ok but regular Tide powder is.

Ahhhhh! Please help me stop buying laundry detergent! What works?

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Re: Confused about Tide

  • I have always heard that original Tide powder is okay. Liquid is a no. Don't know about free and gentle. I know a TON of people who use regular powdered Tide with no problems.
  • I use regular powdered Tide.

    Honestly, I think you can use whatever.  If you start having issues you change, if you don't keep with what you're using.  There are so many variables that go into it including what type of water you have, what type of machine, how hot your water is, etc.

    The only hard and fast rule I've seen is no fabric softener, and no dryer sheets.  Everything else is up to interpretation.

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  • I use Tide powder and do not have any problems.
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  • I am having the same issue. I am using Tide Free. I haven't had any issues, and I had read a ton of posts where ladies were using it. Then today, my neighbor pointed that same info out on the Jillians paper. Oh well. I am still going to stick with my Tide Free for now.
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  • I use Tide Free liquid and it works fine. But it takes 3 rinses to get all the suds out. I've tried samples of Rockin Green Hard Rock and I love it. It rinses out in 1 rinse. I keep putting off ordering a whole bag cause I really need to stop spending so much money on CD stuff!
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  • I use Tide Free liquid & haven't had any problems, I do one cold wash with soap, then one hot wash with no soap.
  • Funny this is posted because yeah, SuperCuteBenz and I were talking today about this exact same thing! I currently use RnG classic rock but honestly, I'm going to change to Tide powder because I really don't see where its all that great. I wasn't impressed when I did the kids' laundry with it and my son had an accident in his underwear, all of the laundry still smelled like pee! For the price, i would rather use Tide and get it cheaper.

    It definately gets frustrating trying to figure out the best detergent to use since you hear conflicting things all the time. Then add that to which types of dipes you have (I have RaR's, monkey snuggles, GM's, Flips, Econobum, BG's, Thirsties, Blueberry, and FB).

    I have about one or two more loads left of the RnG, then its back to Tide!

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