We have had quite poopy days over here and I had 3 diapers with quite a bit of peanut butter poo left on them. I did a quick wash with just those 3 which seemed to get most of the residual poo off. I then added the rest of the load (which was pretty small), did another quick wash and then a regular wash (my normal routine). When I opened the washer I felt like there was still a poo smell so I did another regular wash. The poo diapers look perfectly clean but if you sniff them (why I feel the need to sniff them I'm not sure) there is still a residual poo smell. Suggestions? The diapers in question are a FB, a Blueberry, and a Rumparoos (all fleece inners).
Re: Poo Smell ?
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No help here. I'm having the same problem with my 3 rumparooz. 1 wash and they were all yellow and smelled like poo (even the ones that weren't pooed in). My other diapers with fleece lining are fine wash after wash.
Still have to pick up some Dawn to strip mine. Multiple washes haven't helped.