I just found out that I'm pregnant and as I was making dinner tonight I started looking at all the ingerdients differently... especially my cheese! I LOVE my cheeses... are they okay to eat as long as they're pasturized?
TTA/TTCAL buddies with the great Fab Five (soon to be FFF): Fallon621, Theresa85, lavril, & lauren.cus!
purple flower:
Re: Italian Momma Missing her Cheeses?!
I am a cheese addict as well and specifically asked my OB about this. She said most cheeses these days (including brie) are pasteurized and are ok. I bought brie this week and it said "pasteurized milk" in the ingredients. Just read the ingredient list and you should be fine!!
Congratulations on finding out that you are pregnant!
I am with you on the cheese thing. I absolutely LOVE all kinds of soft cheeses, and cannot imagine going on without them.
From everything I have read, as long as the cheese is pasteurized you are fine. I will be 19 weeks on Wednesday and have been eating pasteurized soft cheeses while pregnant.
I know you probably don't want to seem high maintenance, but I have asked at a few different restaurants/places we order from to make sure that the cheese is pasteurized. As long as you explain that you are pregnant, not meaning to be a pain in the a**, and that it can lead to birth defects...people seem to be quite understanding!!
HTH and congratulations again!!
~ Cait