

We are filed our preapplications last week, and have received all the paperwork yesterday.  Wow....was I overwhelmed.  The home study agency sent it via email and there were 21 attachments!  And then I got home and the adoption agency's paperwork arrived via a nice size package in the mail.  I have never felt overwhelmed with the adoption process until now.  I know once I start digging in and going through it, things won't be so bad, but why does this have to be so hard!  

Re: Paperwork!

  • It seems overwhelming, but you will get through it! DH was most intimidated by his autobiography. He had a laundry list of questions he had to answer, and many were the "touchy-feely type" that he doesn't do well. We came up with a system where we'd look at the list of questions every night, and he'd answer what he was able to deal with that night. It took a while, but it got done.

    You may want to also sift through and see what is just things you need to sign. We probably had close to a dozen forms informing us of X, Y, or Z, and we just had to sign to acknowledge we'd read them.


  • I plan on buying myself a binder with tabbed dividers or something to get everything more organized.  Maybe then I'll feel a little better too.


    Dr.Loretta, I'm sure my husband will have problems with that part also!

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  • We ended up with two huge binders of stuff. Make copies of everything because things often come up missing. My copies have saved me and SW hours of time.
  • I feel you!  I am currently waiting for our application in the mail from the agency.  oh boy!
  • We just started on our paperwork as well, and it is indeed overwhelming. Thankfully, our adoption coordinator takes things as we finish them and has been updating us on what she still needs. I feel much better about the paperwork once it's no longer sitting in a big pile waiting for us.

    We really only have the essays left. I also hate all the "touchy-feel" stuff! Of course, there's TONS of it. I work on it a little bit at a time, and won't let my husband read it.

  • I did all the "easy" stuff first.  Signed what just needed signing.  Made appointments for finger printing and physicials.  Went to the DMV and picked up our driving records.   Stuff I could do relatively easily and check off on my list of paperwork required.

    I saved the harder stuff for later and just picked at it when I had time.  By far the autobiography part what the hardest.  My suggestion, just get your answers out onto paper and refine them later.  Don't over think stuff too much.  If there are questions you need to answer together, start talking about those topics and see if you are on the same page.  If you aren't, then you can have that discussion now and come to a consensus now, rather than letting it become an argument in front of the social worker during interviews.

    Good luck!  You'll get thru it all fine.

    TTC since May 2006. After 3 failed Clomid cycles, 2 failed Injectibles/IUIs, 2 failed IVFs and 1 failed FET, we moved on to adoption! 


    Last ditch FET resulted in BFP, and identical twin girls!

  • I actually enjoyed the paperwork bc I felt like I was doing SOMETHING to move toward having a family. Good luck, and I hope you don't stay overwhelmed!
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  • Keep your eye on the prize.  The best motivation!  :-)
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