Michigan Babies

Prenatal Yoga in the Lansing area

I am interested in participating in a prenatal yoga class and have done a little research.  It seems as though Hilltop Yoga (Old Town/Haslett) and Center for Yoga (East Lansing) both offer prenatal yoga classes.  Does anyone have any reviews of either or both locations and how the class went?  What will I need to take with me and what should I expect?


Re: Prenatal Yoga in the Lansing area

  • Starting next Tuesday, Just B Yoga in Old Town has prenatal yoga, and I plan on going! I believe it's the same instructor as Hilltop, but it's donation based and $7 is the suggested amount instead of $15 at Hilltop.
    I'll let you know how it goes!

    I would bring just a mat, water bottle, and yoga block if you have one. 

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  • I have friends who love Hilltop at both locations. I'm thinking about going to next Saturday's in Old Town, and can post more afterwards.

    On a related topic, when did everyone start prenatal yoga? I have an ashtanga class I attend weekly, and am planning on continuing for as long as I can while adding in prenatal. Does prenatal make sense when you are very early in your first trimester?

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  • I went to the prenatal class at Just B Yoga this evening, and it was great! Janet was the teacher, and she also teaches at Hilltop. The class was 1 hour long and $7- tonight was the first night and I was the only person there! I really enjoyed it, and feel so great right now- you should definitely come next week!

    Bealskri- I went to a hot yoga class before I was pregnant, and am just now starting prenatal. Had this class started earlier, I would have not hesitated to attend earlier in my pregnancy!


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  • Oh my goodness - I didn't see any of your responses!  If I would have known I would have started going sooner.  I have never taken an 'official' yoga class before so I don't have a block - all I have is a cheaper mat I got from Target that went a long with an at-home yoga video I bought a few years ago.  I am excited and thank you for your feedback!
  • I went to Just B Yoga last night and really liked it! 


    Tuesdays, 7:15pm for 1 hour.

  • imageKitty250:

    I went to Just B Yoga last night and really liked it! 


    Tuesdays, 7:15pm for 1 hour.

    Awesome! I plan on going next week. I haven't been there in about a month, but I'm hoping to start going more frequently again. 

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  • The Michigan Athletic Club has Pre-Natal classes also in yoga and water fitness. I have not experienced from either of the places mentioned above but the MAC offers these classes to non-members also and the cost is only $6.50 a visit. They do require you to bring a letter from your doctor saying it's okay for you to exercise while pregnant but the classes are great! I had Sue as my instructor and she was amazing. I'm sure Hilltop and Just B are just as amazing as well!
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