I had my baby on Oct 20th, she was early by a month, now I am suffering from some tailbone pain. Initially I thought it was from being in bed giving birth and then post birth. However, I am still having it. I have never had pain like this in my tailbone.
I was reading that sometimes in birth you can fracture your (coccyx) tailbone, has anyone had this?
Unfortunately in Canada, our post partum appt is 6 weeks after birth but if it continues I think I may have to go see someone sooner.
Re: Tailbone pain
Our pp check up is 2 weeks pp.
I'd get it checked out.
i'm still pregnant but i just thought i'd share that i have been having pain in my hip/tailbone. it turns out that it is sciatica. it also shoots down toward my knee on the back of my leg.
maybe your sciatic nerve got irritated? i have been in physical therapy for it. it's frustrating though bc it has affected my mobility and my ability to exercise. hope yours improves soon!
Hi ladies! I don't usually post here, I am on TTGP, but I wanted to share this info with you. A few years ago I had a lot of pain in my tailbone, especially when sitting/laying down. I brushed it off as being from the way I had been sitting (on the floor in a hallway while waiting for my classes to start) recently. Turns out I had what is called a pilonidal cyst, which forms near the tailbone, that was under my skin (couldn't see it, but could feel it if I pressed on the area) and infected. I'm not sure what kind of pain/discomfort you're having but it's worth a shot to check out this link that describes it:
I know this may not be what you have but I just figured I would share since I had no clue what it was when I had it!
Good Luck!
I have had several and have never been offered augmentin, or any other medicine for that matter. The best course of action is to have it removed, which takes about 20 minutes in the office with a shot that numbs the area. My surgeon packs the wound and then I remove the packing 24-48 hours (I think) later and go to a follow up visit. I've never been told it can take up to 2 months to heal.