Has anyone here had a VBAC when the first baby was basically too big to fit through their pelvis? DS had a super hard head that did not mold at all. I dialiated to 10, pushed for hours until I was almost passing out and then had a c-section. The surgeon said he was really stuck and that he was sure he would not have come out naturally and his head was just swelling more from pushing on my pelvis.
My mom and aunt both had vaginal births, however they both ended up with MAJOR tearing (we're talking serious reconstructive surgery) and both pushed for over 5 hours. They had babies with giant heads too. My mom had two black eyes from pushing so hard.
My dr said that if I had failure to progress or something of that nature he would suggest VBAC as an option, but with my family history of babies with GIANT hard heads and the way DS's was lodged and the way my pelvis is shaped, he would say that I have a decent change of having the same thing happen. Apparently my pubic bone is VERY low, I have even had other doctors randomly tell me this during my pap.
I was just wondering if anyone had a similar experience and then had a successful VBAC or has any words of wisdom. I am on the fence, but it kind of seems like I should just plan the c-section. I have gotten a second opinion from another doctor who said the same thing, but I have not consulted a midwife yet.
Re: Question about incompatible anatomy and VBAC