Trying to Get Pregnant

Inspirational Quotes


Re: Inspirational Quotes

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    Here is one of my favorites...

    "Be not afraid, only believe." -Mark 5:36 

    It has gotten me through some pretty tough times. Hope your day gets brighter! 

    From Nebraska to Germany, the adventures of the Zwillinge.

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    Thanks for this post, Saucy. It's perfect!

    <3 you!!

    Whip mah hurr Pictures, Images and Photos

    Trying to get sperminated since February 2010

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    "Flowers need both sunshine and rain to grow"
    I love that, becaue it's so simple but SO true!

    "God gives us dreams a size to big, we have to grow to fit them"
    I love the thought that all these trials are just me growing into my dreams!

    "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle"
    Not really inspirational, but it's also SO true and it helps me remember that I'm not the only one in the world having a hard time right now.

    Saucy, you KNOW I am right there with ya girl. It sucks, and it's hard. But it can only get better, and we will appreciate our babies in a way that other mothers can't. I love you girl!

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    Saucy. I am late to your thread, but I wanted to say I am really sorry about CD1. My quote is not as inspirational, but I hope it helps a little.

    ?Because of your smile, you make life more beautiful.?  Thich Nhat Hanh

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    These are all great!! Thanks for sharing ladies!! The Serenity Prayer is a favorite of mine!!
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    Sad No quote to offer, but if I was there I would cheer you up in my signature way- Taco Tuesday, complete with margaritas and sopapillas. I am sorry and hope that 10 is your lucky number!
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    I'm sorry about CD 1, Saucy. It's so hard month after month and I could very well hit double digits in a couple of weeks, which I know will hit me hard.

    As for quotes, one of my favorites is fro John Lennon--"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans." It doesn't necessarily directly relate to TTC, but I think it speaks well to how there are some things in life you just can't control (like TTC), no matter how much you want to. I'm a big planner, so sometimes I have to remind myself that some things are just out of my hands.

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    This one is such a good one!

    I have one in my siggy that I really like-

    "Being Challenged in Life is inevitable, being Defeated is Optional."  Roger Crawford.

    So sorry about CD 1 Saucy. ((big hugs)) We're all pulling for you!!

    Thanks, Kathy! I love that quote. My list of favorite quotes is growing like crazy today!!

    Looks like we're on the same cycle now and not too far apart on CD's. I hope this is it for BOTH of us!!

    Yep- looks like we're in about the same place! I've lost all hope of getting KU the old fashioned way, but I REALLY hope this one is the lucky one for you!!

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    Ralph Waldo Emerson is my homeboy


    bfp 1 - m/c 1.31.11 @ 10 weeks

    bfp 2 - baby born via c-section on 5.4.12 @ 37 weeks

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  • Options sorry about CD 1, just know we're all here cheering you on.  This is what has helped me through the process:

    "And when it rains on your parade, look up rather than down.  Without the rain there would be no rainbow." - G. K. Chesterton

    Anything worth fighting for will be that much more loved and appreciated when attained...

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    I'm sorry about CD1 Saucy. Sad ::hugs:: Good idea with the inspirational quotes though. It's nice to have positive one-liners handy for down days. Here's one of mine-

    "You can tell how big a person is by what it takes to discourage them."


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    ***ticker warning***


    Since I know you, Saucy ::waves:: I am hoping you don't mind me adding my mantra from the IF journey.  I read it a long time ago, and then I saw it on the boards.  It just clicked with how I felt- hope it helps you, too.

    ?Listen to the mustn'ts, child. Listen to the don'ts. Listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossibles, the won'ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me... Anything can happen, child. Anything can be.?

    ~Shel Silverstein


    That was SO beautiful... thanks for making me tear up at work! I really needed to hear that!!!

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    **Ticker warning**


    Sorry about CD1 Saucy :-( I know we are all pulling for you.


    An old-school Bumpie named MayDayGirl used to have this in her siggy, from a friend of her moms(she is still around but not as much anymore):

    "Your God is big, he has a plan for you. And one day, that plan will call you Mommy".  


    (she was coming off her 1st failed adoption at the time, going into her first IVF which was successful and her son Brighton is now almost 2 years old.) 

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    Sad No quote to offer, but if I was there I would cheer you up in my signature way- Taco Tuesday, complete with margaritas and sopapillas. I am sorry and hope that 10 is your lucky number!

    Bump burp!

    Whip mah hurr Pictures, Images and Photos

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    Sad No quote to offer, but if I was there I would cheer you up in my signature way- Taco Tuesday, complete with margaritas and sopapillas. I am sorry and hope that 10 is your lucky number!

    Ha! Thanks, Kels! Taco Tuesday would be way better than the leftover chili I'm eating at my desk right now! :) Miss you!

    Whip mah hurr Pictures, Images and Photos

    Trying to get sperminated since February 2010

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    ***ticker warning***


    Since I know you, Saucy ::waves:: I am hoping you don't mind me adding my mantra from the IF journey.  I read it a long time ago, and then I saw it on the boards.  It just clicked with how I felt- hope it helps you, too.

    ?Listen to the mustn'ts, child. Listen to the don'ts. Listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossibles, the won'ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me... Anything can happen, child. Anything can be.?

    ~Shel Silverstein


    Thank you for this quote. It made me tear up. 

    **TTC since 10/2009** **BFP 4/15/12- Dx Molar Pregnancy- Surgery 5/15/12 & 5/22/12** **BFP 1/23/14- 1st Beta (1/24/14) 171 2nd Beta (1/28/14) 860** Pregnancy Ticker

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    **Ticker warning**


    Sorry about CD1 Saucy :-( I know we are all pulling for you.


    An old-school Bumpie named MayDayGirl used to have this in her siggy, from a friend of her moms(she is still around but not as much anymore):

    "Your God is big, he has a plan for you. And one day, that plan will call you Mommy".  


    (she was coming off her 1st failed adoption at the time, going into her first IVF which was successful and her son Brighton is now almost 2 years old.) 

    You always know what to say PPC. I was all teared up from Wordsmith's post and know I am actually crying. 

    **TTC since 10/2009** **BFP 4/15/12- Dx Molar Pregnancy- Surgery 5/15/12 & 5/22/12** **BFP 1/23/14- 1st Beta (1/24/14) 171 2nd Beta (1/28/14) 860** Pregnancy Ticker

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    ***ticker warning***


    Since I know you, Saucy ::waves:: I am hoping you don't mind me adding my mantra from the IF journey.  I read it a long time ago, and then I saw it on the boards.  It just clicked with how I felt- hope it helps you, too.

    ?Listen to the mustn'ts, child. Listen to the don'ts. Listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossibles, the won'ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me... Anything can happen, child. Anything can be.?

    ~Shel Silverstein


    Thanks, Wordsy! That is beautiful!!

    YOU are an inspiration yourself....23 cycles later you now have your beautiful baby girl on the way! Thanks for popping in! <3

    Whip mah hurr Pictures, Images and Photos

    Trying to get sperminated since February 2010

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    **Ticker warning**


    Sorry about CD1 Saucy :-( I know we are all pulling for you.


    An old-school Bumpie named MayDayGirl used to have this in her siggy, from a friend of her moms(she is still around but not as much anymore):

    "Your God is big, he has a plan for you. And one day, that plan will call you Mommy".  


    (she was coming off her 1st failed adoption at the time, going into her first IVF which was successful and her son Brighton is now almost 2 years old.) 

    That is so adorable!! I love it!

    Thank you so much for sharing, Patty! Miss you but so glad you've moved on!

    Whip mah hurr Pictures, Images and Photos

    Trying to get sperminated since February 2010

    Mar-May 2011: 3 Cycles IUI + Clomid = BFN Jan 2012: Injectables + TI = ?? image

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    Both of these are why I keep trying to be a part of this forum with my own individual views. Wither they go with the majority or not.  

    I'm writing to you Saucy to say that I'm sorry for agreeing with the AE early about you. I should have quoted and bolded what I was agreeing with. I'm sorry if you were offended in anyway. It was not my intent. I was agreeing with the feeling of being overwhelmed.  

    I was actually offended so thank you for clarifying what you meant. No harm done now that I understand. :)

    Whip mah hurr Pictures, Images and Photos

    Trying to get sperminated since February 2010

    Mar-May 2011: 3 Cycles IUI + Clomid = BFN Jan 2012: Injectables + TI = ?? image

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    "Flowers need both sunshine and rain to grow"
    I love that, becaue it's so simple but SO true!

    "God gives us dreams a size to big, we have to grow to fit them"
    I love the thought that all these trials are just me growing into my dreams!

    "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle"
    Not really inspirational, but it's also SO true and it helps me remember that I'm not the only one in the world having a hard time right now.

    Saucy, you KNOW I am right there with ya girl. It sucks, and it's hard. But it can only get better, and we will appreciate our babies in a way that other mothers can't. I love you girl!

    Thanks, Mrs.Lee! That's what I love about this board, where else can you find so many women who know exactly how the other feels?

    <3 back at ya!

    Whip mah hurr Pictures, Images and Photos

    Trying to get sperminated since February 2010

    Mar-May 2011: 3 Cycles IUI + Clomid = BFN Jan 2012: Injectables + TI = ?? image

    My Cooking (and More) Blog
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    I found these in some of my reading:

    "Between you and every goal that you wish to achieve, there is a series of obstacles, and the bigger the goal, the bigger the obstacles. Your decision to be, have and do something out of the ordinary entails facing difficulties and challenges that are out of the ordinary as well. Sometimes your greatest asset is simply your ability to stay with it longer than anyone else."

    ~ Brian Tracy

    "Don't be discouraged. It's often the last key in the bunch that opens the lock. " ~ Unknown And I like this song a lot.


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    Saucy, I don't have any quotes, and I don't pray all that often, but I'm praying for you.  I'm sorry about CD1 and I truly hope this is your cycle!
    Married 7.5.08
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    All good quotes.

    These are lyrics from one of my favorite songs that I'd like to share:

    Would dare you, would you dare, to believe,
    that you still have a reason to sing,
    'cause the pain you've been feeling,
    can't compare to the joy that's coming

    so hold on, you got to wait for the light
    press on, just fight the good fight
    because the pain you've been feeling,
    it's just the dark before the morning
    I'm so sorry you're feeling down Saucy. Keep your chip up and here's a PIP for you:

    I love that so very much! I always get so inspired when it comes on the radio!

    Married 8-02-08

    After 3 years TTC with PCOS and two losses Olivia Nikelle was born 4-08-13

    TTC #2 Since August 2014

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    An old-school Bumpie named MayDayGirl used to have this in her siggy, from a friend of her moms(she is still around but not as much anymore):

    "Your God is big, he has a plan for you. And one day, that plan will call you Mommy".  


    I love the Emily Dickinson quotation but this one made me cry. 


    "Hope is a good thing- maybe the best thing, and no good thing ever dies."-Stephen King, Shawshank Redemption

    We're all pulling for you, Saucy. Hope you get your BFP really soon. 

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    Some quotes that helped me:

    "Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours." Jesus (Mark 11:24)

    "When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you, till it seems as though you could not hang on a minute longer, never give up then, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn. " Harriet Beecher Stowe

    "I have to keep breathing, because tomorrow the sun will rise, and who knows what the tide will bring?" -- from the movie Cast Away

    Just want to add that, even if you ladies aren't religious, I still say a prayer for this board every day that we all get our BFPs and move to first tri together.

    T&P to you Saucy. I know how it feels. Our time WILL come.

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    Thanks for this post!  It's great.

    See siggy for my quote. :)

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    Just wanted to jump in on your thread of awesome quotes to let you know I'm really sorry Saucy. I hope you know how many people on here are really pulling for you to get your BFP. Can't say anything to make it easier, but you have tons of us supporting you.
    I second this. I mostly l urk, but you always stand out to me! Everyone deserves their BFP soon especially you!
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    I've got two. They are completely different, yet meaningful in their own way.

    "Perseverenc in the confrontation between the river and the rock. The river always wins . . . Not through strength but through perseverence."

    "Stress: That confusion created with the mind must override the urge to choke the living crap out of some idiot who desperately needs it."

    <3 you, Saucy!

    Proud Doxie Mommy

    TTC #1 since Sept. 2009 - DX unexplained IF March 2011 - "Surprise" BFP March 2012
    DS born via c-section 11/17/12
    TTC #2 (or, not TTA) Nov. 2013
    BFP #2 8/22/14, Missed M/C 6w2d, Discovered 7w4d/Official 8w6d, D&C 9/27/14
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    I am doing some serious copying and pasting and saving. This was a great post, SRH. Sorry for the circumstances it stemmed from, but there are some awesome quotes here!
    "For a long time there were only your footprints & laughter in our dreams & even from such small things, we knew we could not wait to love you forever."   

    My Blog - Taking You Home

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    Hey Saucy. ((hugs)) I'm sorry about cycle 10. I know I'm late to this, but wanted to add some for you. Great post idea, btw. One of my favorite quotes is in my siggy, but I have a list of others.

    Though you may be under a dark tree, always look for the light shining through the branches.

     "They take pictures of mountain climbers at the top of the mountain. They're smiling, ecstatic, triumphant. They don't take pictures along the way, because who wants to remember the rest of it? We push ourselves because we have to, not because we like it.The relentless climb, the pain and anguish of taking it to the next level, nobody takes pictures of that.
    Nobody wants to remember; we just want to remember the view from the top. The breathtaking moment at the edge of the world. That's what keeps us climbing--and it's worth the pain. That's the crazy part: it's worth anything."

    "Difficult times have helped me to understand better than before, how infinitely rich and beautiful life is in every way, and that so many things that one goes worrying about are of no importance whatsoever"

    Infertility, Life & Loss Blog
    Love & luck to my 3TC girls. Congrats to Omega-The boys are here!
    If there's one thing I've learned while waiting my turn,
    it's that in each life some rain falls but you also get some sun.
    After 2 years & 2 losses, our little man arrived 8-2011.
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    **Ticker warning**


    Sorry about CD1 Saucy :-( I know we are all pulling for you.


    An old-school Bumpie named MayDayGirl used to have this in her siggy, from a friend of her moms(she is still around but not as much anymore):

    "Your God is big, he has a plan for you. And one day, that plan will call you Mommy".  


    (she was coming off her 1st failed adoption at the time, going into her first IVF which was successful and her son Brighton is now almost 2 years old.) 

    You always know what to say PPC. I was all teared up from Wordsmith's post and know I am actually crying. 

    Me too.  All of these quotes are perfect, but the one posted by Patty really got me - for me, for all of you and for the wonderful women I know IRL who will be amazing moms and haven't made it there yet.

    Saucy, I am so sorry for CD1. :(  We are all pulling for you.  Posting a thread like this is only one of the many reasons why. *HUGS*


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    I've got nothing new to add, but wanted to say thanks for this post, Saucy.  Tons of great quotes and ideas to ponder.  I'm sorry about CD1, though :( hugs to you today!
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    See my siggy for an inspirational quote. This is my all time favorite quote ever though:

    Love seeketh not itself to please
    Nor for itself hath any care
    But for another gives its ease
    And builds a Heaven in Hell's despair

    William Blake

    Its from a poem thats a commentary on love and the second half of the poem isnt as sweet sounding so I didn't include it.

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    I needed this today.  I am not yet TTC.  I am working on losing weight to be healthy enough that I would be comfortable to try (my DH is ready whenever I am).

     I only have another 30 lbs to lose maximum, though I might be ok at 20 more.  But it all seems to have slowed down to a crawl, and every week is another week farther away.  I've been down and sad, and feeling defeated.

    I keep trying anyway, and these quotes made me feel a bit better.  Thank you all.  I copied them for another rainy day.

     Wishing you luck on this cycle Smile


    Edited to add reference for ticker: 1st big goal is to get down to 200 lbs.  My ideal ready to TTC weight would be 180 lbs.  I'm now ~210.  

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