
Anonymous emails

Someone on here recommended a yahoo group board that I am trying to register on.  It recommends that when you are in the research phase that you set up an anonymous email.  Does anyone know how to do this or what email websites have this option? 

Re: Anonymous emails

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    I'm not sure about that...we just used one without our last name or without our name at all.  We set it up as an additional email to our regular email (it was one of the options under comcast...)
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    All they mean is that your e-mail address should not give away your identity, so you can research and share information without worrying that someone from your agency can identify you.

    You can do this with any provider, but a lot of people like gmail, yahoo, and/or hotmail because they are free and you can create multiple accounts.

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    Did people get prompt responses from the domestic adoption research group on Yahoo?  I filled out their questionnaire to joint the group a little over a week ago and have not yet heard anything.
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