2nd Trimester

Wrong gender predicted at NT Scan :(


Re: Wrong gender predicted at NT Scan :(

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    I can sympathize, as i had a very similar experience! My mother-in-law said she just knew I was having a girl, and she had been right abou the last 2 babies born into the family.  I figured my ultra-sound would just confirm this, but imagine my shock when I found I was having a boy! Has anyone else had this happen??
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    Ah, the "You will see..." the comments on upbringing, the assumptions that people must be horrible to live with IRL based on one post.

    I see that and raise you a "KARMA WILL GET YOU!" and a reference to stairs.

    My "first" post since being back will say, I LOVE YOU KATEFRES.

    Welcome back! I'm honored! And I forgot to mention the "I don't have time for stupid internet drama" comments... while perpetuating internet drama.

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    Saying "I got my hopes up" does not mean that I painted the room pink and bought a closet full of girls clothes. Not quite sure how you read into my post...using phrases like I believed the gender was "absolute" and "locked in". You should maybe read posts a little more carefully before you decide to laugh at someone, as you say. Kind of makes you look like an ignorant, bitter person, don't you think?

    Ok, fine. I think 'getting your hopes up' over a gender guess at an NT Scan is ridiculous.  Does that make it sting less for you?

    And LOL @ you calling OTHER PEOPLE ignorant.   

    My question was if anyone else had had this happen....that's all...simple. You get an F for reading comprehension.  Btw, the only person I was calling ignorant on this post was you.

    Wow, you must really be a joy to live with. 

    When I don't get breakfast in the morning, no, no I am not a joy to live with.  And since NO one who responded to this post HAS had that happen to them, I'm going to go with we ALL get an F for reading comprehension ... or you get an A for stupidity.  Either one works for me.  

    And again, you keep using the word 'ignorant' ... how am I ignorant for knowing that an NT Scan is WAY too early to confirm gender????   

    apparently you're "ignorant" b/c you know the difference between a really lame "prediction" and "confirmation".  lol.  


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    imageWhen we wished upon a star...:


    Has anyone had the wrong gender predicted at the NT Scan? I was told I was having a girl and at yesterdays visit (17wks 4days) I asked for another U/S to confirm that it was a girl. I was shocked when we saw it was a boy! I did get my hopes up a little since we have a one year old boy and we were really only planning on having only 2 children, but of course I'm happy with a healthy baby :)

    Has anyone had this happen or heard of it happening?

    I think you got 'Punked'. Either that or the u/s tech you had is a complete moron.


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    Geez ladies. Way to attack someone just for believeing an u/s tech. Yall are just looking for reasons tp be snarky now. Tongue Tied


    my thoughts exactly....well maybe not exactly as I'm kinda thinking snarky may be too nice

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    2 boys are so fun! You'll love it.  Of course, I'm sure it's great having one of each sex as well, but I love having 2 in a row (or in your case, 2 only) of the same sex.  They get that brotherhood/sisterhood bond that they'd never be able to experience if you had one of each.  I know I'm biased, but I think boys are the greatest! .. I'd love a 3rd boy!!  Plus, you don't have to buy a thing and they'll be able to let their energy out on each other (wrestling, football, etc)  Boys are so sweet and they love their mommies! sorry for rambling on about boys, but try not to be disappointed, is my point.

    And I'm sorry that your stupid tech started singing "My Girl" at your scan.  That person is a moron.

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    Ah, the "You will see..." the comments on upbringing, the assumptions that people must be horrible to live with IRL based on one post.

    I see that and raise you a "KARMA WILL GET YOU!" and a reference to stairs.

    Please don't forget "I feel bad for your poor children..."

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    Ouch at some of the replies :(

     Yes, at 20 weeks I was told BOY... at a follow up apt at 26 weeks I was told girl by a different tech.

     The gender guess can be wrong at any time, and I know how weird it is to think you are having one for weeks, and the hear you are having another.

    Good thing you found out now and have time to prepare :)

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    I don't know about anyone else but this is what my baby looked like at 12 weeks. I can't even clearly see limbs in any of the pictures let alone the genitals. That u/s tech was an idiot... 




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    2 boys are so fun! You'll love it.  Of course, I'm sure it's great having one of each sex as well, but I love having 2 in a row (or in your case, 2 only) of the same sex.  They get that brotherhood/sisterhood bond that they'd never be able to experience if you had one of each.  I know I'm biased, but I think boys are the greatest! .. I'd love a 3rd boy!!  Plus, you don't have to buy a thing and they'll be able to let their energy out on each other (wrestling, football, etc)  Boys are so sweet and they love their mommies! sorry for rambling on about boys, but try not to be disappointed, is my point.

    And I'm sorry that your stupid tech started singing "My Girl" at your scan.  That person is a moron.

    Thanks! I've been hearing that a lot (although clearly not on this post). My best friend has 2 boys and is pregnant with her 3rd and, like you, she is also hoping for another boy. Thanks for sharing your point! I'm happy to give my son a brother so close in age :).

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