3rd Trimester

What's going on your hospital door?

I've seen some really cute DIY things on people's hospital doors and was wondering if any of you are making anything for yours...or having someone make something for you.  I know there are plenty of cute things you can buy too...the huge ribbon, the feather wreath, etc.  But I'm thinking it would be fun to do something a little different this time.  I like the idea of maybe a letter (her initial), but I'm not very crafty or really a DIY kinda girl, so keep it simple please! 

Re: What's going on your hospital door?

  • I have never seen anything like this.  I think it sounds kind of goofy...not my thing at all. 
  • I had never heard of doing this, but one of the hostesses of my baby shower made a homecoming mum-like creation for me that she said is to be hung on the outside door handle. It's a cute "It's a Boy!" mum with miniature bottles and pacis and ribbons and other trinkets. I figure, what the heck? I'll use it.
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  • My initial reaction was a "Do Not Disturb" sign.  Those nurses drove me crazzzzy last time!  I would totally be a home birther if I had my way.  I had no clue what else this thread could be about.  I don't remember seeing any door decorations last time.
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  • I've never heard of decorating your hospital door
  • I wonder if it's more common in some places than others. I've seen it a lot here. My best friend's mother-in-law who is very crafty made me a really pretty mum for our door and gave it to me as a shower gift. I'll make sure someone brings it to the hospital. If she hadn't given it to me, though, I doubt I would have cared to do anything.
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  • If I remember correctly they don't let us put anything on the door. They don't want strangers to be able to know what you have.  Possibility of baby snatching and all.
    Yeah...my pics were so old. I got 3 kids. Nuff said. :)
  • imagemainerocks:

    I have never seen anything like this.? I think it sounds kind of goofy...not my thing at all.?


    this plus i dont think my Hospital allows that sort of thing

  • I have been on the Labor and Delivery floor a few times in this pregnancy and the only time I have ever seen anything on a door ( besides charts ) , was when the poor women were on hospital bedrest .Even then the only thing the door sign said was how many days they were in there , and to please knock before you entered .
  • imagefiasco:
    My initial reaction was a "Do Not Disturb" sign.  Those nurses drove me crazzzzy last time!  I would totally be a home birther if I had my way.  I had no clue what else this thread could be about.  I don't remember seeing any door decorations last time.

    LOL  I was thinking the same thing!

  • imagewife1014:
    I have never seen anything like this.  I think it sounds kind of goofy...not my thing at all. 

    Yep. This. Sounds like something I would do in college for my sorority. 

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  • Oh wow!  Your responses really suprise me!  Where I live, it's the norm.  Almost everyone has something on their door.  It's actually kinda sad to pass a door that has nothing...it's kinda like, they must not have friends or family around (because typically, someone else does it for you).  Hmm...funny how different parts of the country do things so differently!
  • Ok not to be rude to PPs but I HAVE actually seen this in multiple hospitals and in different states.  I think it is a cute idea, especially for a first time mom or a mom who will have visitors and wants to do something special.  I think you should do whatever you would like to do! I personally love the feather wreaths but they may be a bit overdone if the hospital gift shop sells them (which was the case in the hospital my aunt delivered in) and almost every mom had one.  I think the babies first initial would be cute, especially if you paint it. Someone painted our babies name on wooden letters to match our nursery and now that you mention it I just might bring it to the hospital and hang it on the door... Sorry I didnt have any original ideas, but if I come up with something else I will definitely let you know.
  • maybe it's more common in the south? i have also heard of it and would like to do something. i asked at my hospital tour, and they said it's fine (no fear of baby snatching) because it is a locked and secured labor/delivery/nursery floor.
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Never heard of it but NMS


  • Never heard of such a thing. I don't need or want strangers knowing my business and we aren't having visitors during our hospital stay.
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  • I live in TN, I've never seen nor heard of this. 
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  • Because I truly need to know.  Is this what you are talking about Embarrassed



  • The only thing that can go on the doors at our hospital are the signs that are there to notify the staff. They are already on the peg and if you need to use one, you just put it in the front. Otherwise, you just have the back of one showing and it's blank. They are: Nurse Requested, Do Not Disturb, LC (Lactation Consultant) Requested. There may also be other ones but these are the ones that I remember stocking.
  • I'm in Birmingham, AL and it's VERY common here. Some sort of wreath/decoration that you put on the door at the hospital and then take home with you to put on your mailbox or front door. The only difference is that the mommy-to-be doesn't make it, but is given this as a gift from family and friends. It's a breach of etiquette to decorate the hospital door yourself (plus you just had a baby and you'd be crazy to worry about such things).  My friend Megan has made a wreath for my door, it looks very similar to this...image
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  • imageKristaNbHam:
    I'm in Birmingham, AL and it's VERY common here. Some sort of wreath/decoration that you put on the door at the hospital and then take home with you to put on your mailbox or front door. The only difference is that the mommy-to-be doesn't make it, but is given this as a gift from family and friends. It's a breach of etiquette to decorate the hospital door yourself (plus you just had a baby and you'd be crazy to worry about such things).  My friend Megan has made a wreath for my door, it looks very similar to this...image

    STFU...you are going to hang that thing on your door?  I cannot believe that people do this.

  • imagewife1014:

    I'm in Birmingham, AL and it's VERY common here. Some sort of wreath/decoration that you put on the door at the hospital and then take home with you to put on your mailbox or front door. The only difference is that the mommy-to-be doesn't make it, but is given this as a gift from family and friends. It's a breach of etiquette to decorate the hospital door yourself (plus you just had a baby and you'd be crazy to worry about such things).  My friend Megan has made a wreath for my door, it looks very similar to this...image

    STFU...you are going to hang that thing on your door?  I cannot believe that people do this.

    I've seen the door wreaths...definitely a southern thing...sorry. lol
    "Seriously, mommy forum people are some crazy ass bitches." New Year New You
  • I've never heard of or seen this. Interesting.

    It kind of reminds me of the giant stork signs you can rent to put on the front lawn announcing the baby.  NMS, but to each their own. 

  • imagegdssofshdws:
    If I remember correctly they don't let us put anything on the door. They don't want strangers to be able to know what you have.  Possibility of baby snatching and all.

    Our hospital actively discourages door decorations for safety reasons. Some may think it's overkill. If nothing else, the decorations look cute inside the room. 

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic Baby Girl P - 11/15/10
  • I wonder if this is a Southern thing- I've never heard of it either.  The only sign I ever hung on my door was a sign that said no admittence after my first.  I'd had a looooooong labor that ended with a cesarean and didn't want any visitors because I really needed to rest.  It sounds like a kinda cute idea though.
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  • Oh My God, I just saw that wreath and that's not what I was imagining at all!  Uh, yeah, that's way over the top!
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  • imageAli&Luke:
    Between being in active labor and making sure the kids are taken care of, I can't imagine that I would remember or even care about a door decoration for the hospital. I've never even heard of doing that. We stay the minimum 24 hours and are out the door anyway... if I wanted to decorate something, I'd decorate my house.


    This!  I  have never heard of it either.   

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  • imagejamiemsmith:
    I live in TN, I've never seen nor heard of this. 


    Besides, the only time I left my room after I had DD was when we were going home.  I didn't care WTF was on my door because I never saw it.

  • imageKristaNbHam:
    I'm in Birmingham, AL and it's VERY common here. Some sort of wreath/decoration that you put on the door at the hospital and then take home with you to put on your mailbox or front door. The only difference is that the mommy-to-be doesn't make it, but is given this as a gift from family and friends. It's a breach of etiquette to decorate the hospital door yourself (plus you just had a baby and you'd be crazy to worry about such things).  My friend Megan has made a wreath for my door, it looks very similar to this...image

    I noticed that  you and the OP are from Alabama. We moved to Birmingham, Alabama a little over a year ago (from Georgia) and I had never heard of this until we moved here.... Maybe it is an Alabama thing?

  • imagewife1014:

    Because I truly need to know.  Is this what you are talking about Embarrassed



    Yes, that is the feather wreath I mentioned.  However, as a PP mentioned, those are kind of overdone now.  That's why I thought maybe doing the baby's initial may be cute.

  • Yup, this is definitely standard in my area and even more so in Texas, where I'm originally from.  My family owns and operates a flower shop in Texas and makes this kind of stuff for hospital doors all the time.  They don't do the wreath thing, more of the mum type thing with streamers, the baby's name, weight, length, etc, with little cute baby things attached to it. 

    Here's an example, allthough this one looks kind of dated to me, they are cuter now: 


    However, my dad started selling these new things that are little stuffed animals that hold a dry erase board and are super cute and you write in all the baby's info.  That's what they gave me at my shower, and I really like it better than the mums.  I'll be hanging this on the door at the hospital.


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  • imageKristaNbHam:
    I'm in Birmingham, AL and it's VERY common here. Some sort of wreath/decoration that you put on the door at the hospital and then take home with you to put on your mailbox or front door. The only difference is that the mommy-to-be doesn't make it, but is given this as a gift from family and friends. It's a breach of etiquette to decorate the hospital door yourself (plus you just had a baby and you'd be crazy to worry about such things).  My friend Megan has made a wreath for my door, it looks very similar to this...image

    Yup, that's right.  Everyone around here puts whatever was on the hospital door on their front door once they get home to let all the neighbors know that the baby was born and the sex of it.  Also, huge ribbons usually go on the mailbox.  I love it!  It's really cute and is just exciting to see.  I always enjoy seeing things like this on people's houses because you know that there is a sweet, new life inside that house and how happy and proud the parents must be. 

    Again, I am shocked that this is not the norm everywhere!  I had no idea!

  • what??? who has time to decorate your hospital door? that is the weirdest/ dumbest thing i have ever heard.

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  • nothing. i think this is a little over the top.
  • what in the HAYELL are you talking about???

    decorating the HOSPITAL door???  so like, when people come to see you... they are impressed with your DIY homey decorations and they can feel all warm and fuzzy and welcome in your 'suite' ??

    Girllllllllllllfren...  take it down a notch. ;)


  • A sign that says "I'll let you know when I want the drugs.  Don't ask me!"

    Seriously though, our hospital decorates each door so I'll let them take care of it. 

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  • imageToledoDeux:

    So let me get this straight:

    people put these monstrosities on your hospital door after you've just been through labor....and you consider them friends?

    OMG, I think I peed my pants!  Then they take these horendous things and hang them on their doors at home.  So, every one knows you've not only had a baby, but the baby's name and birth stats.

  • They are quite common at the hospital we will be at. The ones we see the most are stuffed animals with a little dry erase board that gives the baby's stats.
  • You know this seems like something along the lines of something else I read recently. It suggested that the mother-to-be (it really meant her not a friend or whatever) either bake/cook something or call a caterer days (hours?) before she goes to the hospital to deliver so that she has snacks (oh and cute paper plates etc) for all her visitors. Really? Ummm....this is my 3rd kid and I do know this...I do not have time/energy to play hostess and if anyone needs to be bringing yummy food it is my visitors...to me. Anyway this decorating the hospital door thing seems along the same lines...more expectations for the new moms, more was for them to compare their door (or food, or baby shower or whatever) to others. To each their own but....it is really just a little detail in a much bigger picture...hi you just had a BABY! Lets focus on that not the door to you hospital room.
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