2nd Trimester

Will you be shaving (down there) before delivery???

Just a curious and very personal question... Is it something the Dr. would appreciate, or laugh at?!

Re: Will you be shaving (down there) before delivery???

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    I hope to get a wax a week or two before I deliver. In a last min. situation I would shave. I doubt the Doctor would care, but I think I would feel more comfortable LOL.
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    I'm not going to. Honestly, it's a chore just to do it now, and I'm hardly even showing lol. I can't imagine that being a priority just before the big day, especially not for a guy who's delivered babies his whole life and has seen 12743874 vaginas. I could care less, it's not like he's going to be grossed out after how many repulsive things I'm sure he's seen over the years.
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    I will be. It is just a personal thing. One tip- if you are having a hard time reaching, trimmers work great and it is better than being a wolly mammoth!
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    I will be! I'll have a c-section and they prep the area but last time I had a male nurse and I was embarrassed when he checked me and said, "oh yeah, I need to trim you". My H and I couldn't stop laughing when he went to get the clippers!
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    yes, but just for my own piece of mind.  And aftercare.
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    That's silly- doctors and nurses couldn't care less what you look like down there.  I would think if anything, they'd think it was funny.  But I'm having a c section, and last time I did they shaved me for me- really fast too because it was an emergency.  The incision goes really low so that's why they have to do it.
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    the plan is going like this, thus far:

    If I can reach it and see it enough to shave, sure! why not? It may be silly, but I'll feel better knowing everyone's not looking at a woolly mammoth between my legs.

    If I can't reach it, F*** it! They might be amazed by my woolly mammoth. 

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    I definitly will. But I'm pretty sure it would bother me way more than the doctor, lol.
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    I will be.  I'm an L&D nurse and about 90% of people shave/trim.  It's so much cleaner and nicer.  We do appreciate it, really.  When people don't, so much 'stuff' gets stuck in the hair and it's harder to keep patients clean.
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    I will be.  I don't know if I'll do it the exact moment my contractions start, as long as I've done it within the last few days.  It doesn't need to be perfectly smooth but I'd like it at least to be cleaned up.  And like someone else said, it helps with the aftercare...barf!
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    I plan to. Whether it be a wax or shave. I would just feel better knowing it is trimmed.

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    I have been having brazilian's monthly (it really isn't that bad), and I am planning to keep this up for the duration of my pregnancy. So yes, II will be going 1-2 weeks before I deliever.
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    Well from last times experience I will be. Dried blood and other oogies that come out and get dried and stuck in the hair is NOT so easy to get out.
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    I will be.  I'm an L&D nurse and about 90% of people shave/trim.  It's so much cleaner and nicer.  We do appreciate it, really.  When people don't, so much 'stuff' gets stuck in the hair and it's harder to keep patients clean.

    Agreed! I'm a postpartum nurse. When things are under control down there it's much easier for you to keep it clean. Blood and tiny clots and vernix and whatnot get all up in there and it can be very hard to get out!

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    That's silly- doctors and nurses couldn't care less what you look like down there.

    You might be surprised to find out that is not true.  

    It's a real pain in the ass when we have to wade through a jungle to insert a catheter, insert a vaginal suppository, check for episiotomy care, or any other things.  I had a patient once that had a "code brown" if you know what I mean, and she was so hairy.  She was so weak she couldn't move, and incontinent.  So when she went, it took forever to get all of her poop out of the masses of hair.  BLECH!  I was dying as a result of the "heightened sense of smell" you have in early pregnancy.  Fortunately a PCA came around and took over...

    Body fluids also dry and cake to the hair making it a nasty little breeding ground, more than it already is. 

    Yes, the baby will come out no matter what it looks like down there, but if you look like a wooly mammoth he still has to move that hair out of the way to see, depending on how bad it is.  Sometimes they insert their finger while you're pushing and make a circular motion around the opening to help stretch it to avoid an episotomy.  All that hair is a nuisance. 

    And for the nurse who has to tend to that jungle afterward, it's one more thing to work with.  We have to get the blood and lochia out of it, etc...

    I have seem a few docs trim down there if they think they need an episiotomy, but most wait until they have to, and then cut and then you run into the situation I am referring to.  

    It doesn't have to be bald... but do everyone a favor, including yourself, and have the hubby grab some scissors and shorten it up a little at least. 

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    I didn't read all the comments before I made mine... Sorry.  But I agree with what both of these ladies say, obviously.  I just hit quote when I got to the one in my post, and then saw these... 



    I will be.  I'm an L&D nurse and about 90% of people shave/trim.  It's so much cleaner and nicer.  We do appreciate it, really.  When people don't, so much 'stuff' gets stuck in the hair and it's harder to keep patients clean.

    Agreed! I'm a postpartum nurse. When things are under control down there it's much easier for you to keep it clean. Blood and tiny clots and vernix and whatnot get all up in there and it can be very hard to get out!


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    Nope, probably won't be able to reach at that point. I didn't shave with DS and it really isn't something that crossed my mind in delivery. I'm not the kind to get a wax either.
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    No I won't because I never do (I trim a little for swimsuits but that's it).  Personally, I think it's pretty lame that a nurse of all people would be "grossed out" by pubic hair - maybe you are in the wrong line of work. 

    FWIW, I had no issues with anything "stuck in my hair" after birth nor did I have trouble keeping myself clean.

    If you want to "groom" do it for yourself not for medical professionals who should be above being skeeved out by natural hair.

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    I've been doing my best to keep it at least trimmed and hope to continue this throughout the pregnancy.  I'm sure the nurses will appreciate it, and I personally have no interest in having a bloody matted hoo-ha for days afterward.
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    Yes, I get seriously itchy from my own hair, pits, legs etc..so it will be trimmed  up and shaved.
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    I'm going to attempt to keep myself groomed the whole pregnancy.  We will see how that goes.
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    No I won't because I never do (I trim a little for swimsuits but that's it).  Personally, I think it's pretty lame that a nurse of all people would be "grossed out" by pubic hair - maybe you are in the wrong line of work. 

    FWIW, I had no issues with anything "stuck in my hair" after birth nor did I have trouble keeping myself clean.

    If you want to "groom" do it for yourself not for medical professionals who should be above being skeeved out by natural hair.

    oh please, being a health care professional doesn't make you immune to "gross" things.  Plus I am a big advocate of helping those who help themselves.  And keeping things tidy down there just makes everyone's job easier.

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    No I won't because I never do (I trim a little for swimsuits but that's it).  Personally, I think it's pretty lame that a nurse of all people would be "grossed out" by pubic hair - maybe you are in the wrong line of work. 

    FWIW, I had no issues with anything "stuck in my hair" after birth nor did I have trouble keeping myself clean.

    If you want to "groom" do it for yourself not for medical professionals who should be above being skeeved out by natural hair.

    oh please, being a health care professional doesn't make you immune to "gross" things.  Plus I am a big advocate of helping those who help themselves.  And keeping things tidy down there just makes everyone's job easier.

    Funny how I had no issues with grossness - despite not being "tidy" Surprise  I also fail to see how pubic hair is gross - birth isn't exactly an "ungross" thing so I think if you are bothered by blood in pubic hair, you are in the wrong game.

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    He!! no.  I can't even see down there anymore as it is lol.
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    I will be. It is just a personal thing. One tip- if you are having a hard time reaching, trimmers work great and it is better than being a wolly mammoth!

    This is what I do! Trimmers on the shortest setting, then razor for the bikini line. And yes I will make sure everything is neat and clean for the delivery. Last time around I actually shaved (legs and hoo ha) while in labor before we left for the birth center!

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    Hellz ya I'll be shaving. Fully shaved. I'll be as bare as the day I was born. I don't want my kid to feel left out of the hairy crotch party, then they'll have a complex till puberty! I know that I haven't been keeping up on it lately, I look like a cave woman down there right now. When I get to the point I can't reach my DH knows he has a duty of helping me out by at least holding the mirror so I can see, or taking the razor into his own hands. Like I said ya'll he is my man-slave.

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    I made DH trim me before DD was delivered.  I plan on requesting the same treatment for LO.
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    i shave down there anyway so the week before I am due I will probably be doing a feel check every day to make sure its not too long. I did this with DS. However when you are in labor that is the last thing on your mind.
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    I probably won't be bare shaved but will try to keep it trimmed at least.  I am doing a water birth so it doesn't really matter anyways if it is shaved or looks like a woolly mammoth. But for myself I will be keeping it trimmed so that afterwords I can go in and shave that sh!t down.
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    Yes I will!!!  LOL I'm not doing it soo much for the doctor but for my own personal needs & soo I'm not real embarrassed.  LOL & I hear it helps with everything afterwards.  I'd get a wax if I wasn't such a baby about it...I've never had one but Id give it a try especially since I might not be able to see down there soon.
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     I keep well groomed normally but never really thought about this. I guess I figured, if I can reach, yes, otherwise maybe not?

    Now I will definitely keep at least well trimmed!!! I never thought about the aftercare and general cleanliness factor. I was just thinking about the personal embarrassment of people looking at bush! 

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    I can't believe so many women go around unshaved and unwaxed!

    Shaving itches me when it grows back... i will be waxing very close to the due date.  Sorry but hairy cooches are GROSS, in or out of pregnancy.

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    I have been dying to ask this so thanks you, and thanks for all the responses!
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    No I won't because I never do (I trim a little for swimsuits but that's it).  Personally, I think it's pretty lame that a nurse of all people would be "grossed out" by pubic hair - maybe you are in the wrong line of work. 

    FWIW, I had no issues with anything "stuck in my hair" after birth nor did I have trouble keeping myself clean.

    If you want to "groom" do it for yourself not for medical professionals who should be above being skeeved out by natural hair.

    oh please, being a health care professional doesn't make you immune to "gross" things.  Plus I am a big advocate of helping those who help themselves.  And keeping things tidy down there just makes everyone's job easier.

    Funny how I had no issues with grossness - despite not being "tidy" Surprise  I also fail to see how pubic hair is gross - birth isn't exactly an "ungross" thing so I think if you are bothered by blood in pubic hair, you are in the wrong game.

    No one said we "health care professionals" were grossed out or skeeved out.  

    However, you make our jobs harder becaue you can't take five minutes to trim your wooly bush.   When I have several other patients to take care of, you delay their care when I have to spend 15 minutes trying to moisten off dried clumps of lochia from your hair.  Go to the store now, while you can still waddle your butt around, and grab some electric trimmers and when the day is approaching, just run it through.  You don't have to be bald, but trimmed is helpful. Or get some Nair Shower Power cream.  Smear it on and then let the shower water rinse it all away. 

    Not just because it's gross... because it's better for you.  We can't leave that mess down there, even though I would be lying if I said we never think "you want to keep it unruly, you clean it". 

    Try reading what we wrote and not interpreting it your own way. 


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    I don't shave bald because I get terrible ingrown hairs, but I do keep it nice and trim with a trimmer and have already told DH he has that job to do when I get too big!
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    No I won't because I never do (I trim a little for swimsuits but that's it).  Personally, I think it's pretty lame that a nurse of all people would be "grossed out" by pubic hair - maybe you are in the wrong line of work. 

    FWIW, I had no issues with anything "stuck in my hair" after birth nor did I have trouble keeping myself clean.

    If you want to "groom" do it for yourself not for medical professionals who should be above being skeeved out by natural hair.

    oh please, being a health care professional doesn't make you immune to "gross" things.  Plus I am a big advocate of helping those who help themselves.  And keeping things tidy down there just makes everyone's job easier.

    Funny how I had no issues with grossness - despite not being "tidy" Surprise  I also fail to see how pubic hair is gross - birth isn't exactly an "ungross" thing so I think if you are bothered by blood in pubic hair, you are in the wrong game.

    No one said we "health care professionals" were grossed out or skeeved out.  

    However, you make our jobs harder becaue you can't take five minutes to trim your wooly bush.   When I have several other patients to take care of, you delay their care when I have to spend 15 minutes trying to moisten off dried clumps of lochia from your hair.  Go to the store now, while you can still waddle your butt around, and grab some electric trimmers and when the day is approaching, just run it through.  You don't have to be bald, but trimmed is helpful. Or get some Nair Shower Power cream.  Smear it on and then let the shower water rinse it all away. 

    Not just because it's gross... because it's better for you.  We can't leave that mess down there, even though I would be lying if I said we never think "you want to keep it unruly, you clean it". 

    Try reading what we wrote and not interpreting it your own way. 


    Perhaps you should take your own advice about reading carefully...I very clearly said that I didn't have any cleanliness issues - no one spent any time "cleaning me up" or getting lochia out of my pubic hair - trust me, I'd remember.  I took a shower a few hours after I delivered and shockingly there was nothing "stuck" in my hair.

    I also never waddled ;-)


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    Wow, people are really passionate about their pubes!

    I hate having them- nature intended or not-


    I plan on making the hubbie bust out the weed wacker! Waxing seems too painful...

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    I hate when random nurses & health care providers get on here with absurd stories about paralyzed women who had crazy bushes and died because their bladders exploded because the nurse was too busy chopping at the forest to get to the urethra.

     Since most women are able to look after themselves after delivery  the whole "go easy on your nurse" thing is hilarious to me. I never had anyone try to wipe me down after delivery and I had a section. I took care of that myself.

    I shaved because I do that anyway, but trying to freak women out about catheterization impacted by pubic hair when they've clearly given birth and had no trouble before is more than a little absurd.

    Oh and my husband is a nurse. He's done L&D. He didn't berate me with any stories of ungodly lochia stuck in pubes and holding up other patients care before my delivery thank god. But he's not lazy or an *** so... maybe that's it.

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    what lanie said.

    some of you are nuts.  i get waxed regularly b/c it's how i roll.  i do through pregnancy as well.  but i certainly wouldn't be doing it just to make the bed-pan nurse's life easier.  if you can't insert a catheter - bush or not - then you're probably not all that great of a "healthcare professional".

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