
S/O-Would you take time off work to PT your child?

In Mrs.Olson's "unreasonable" post, the mom of one of the kids she provides daycare for is taking off the rest of the week to PT her child.  I can see maybe taking an extra day to make it a long weekend, but taking multiple days off work to pt your child seems like a weird reason to take off work.  I mainly SAH, so maybe I am not the best judge of this though.

So, would you take time off work just to PT your child?

DS1 10-06 and DS2 9-08 and baby #3 EDD 9-05-12

Re: S/O-Would you take time off work to PT your child?

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  • If there's a reason why I thought I couldn't get it done over the weekend, yues I suppose I would.  But, I'd try that route and maybe take one day to extend the weekend first.
  • Absolutely not.  I have a hard enough time having enough leave to take off on the days they are sick.

    We sort of did a 3-day pt'ing thing with Rory and specifically waited until we had a long weekend, which just so happened to be labor day weekend.  We didn't plan to go anywhere just so we could work on it with her.

    That said, I definitely expected daycare to help us with continuing the pt'ing, but there is no way in heck I would have ever sent her after only 3 days of pt'ing without pull-ups.  Accidents happen, and I know the few times Rory had an accident at daycare she was horribly embarrassed, which actually harmed the progress.

  • I wouldn't, but that's easy for me to say since I SAH.

    My cousin took a whole week off to PT her DS. The following week, he was still in diapers.

    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
  • I guess I've never thought about it since I SAH.  I might use a long holiday weekend to really work on it, but I don't think I'd ever take time off work...unless I just wanted to and had the days available to take off.
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  • No, but I am currently SAH.  I think that the pressure to get it done in that time frame might cause my DD to resist.  I imagine that I might get a little impatient when Friday hit and she was still in diapers.

  • I think it depends on the child. It would make life easier if you didnt have to go to work and could devote a week straight of being housebound and concentrating on pt. If the child isnt ready to go--they arent going to be pt in a week regardless. I think if you have the luxury to take a week off from work and the child is ready to be pt--its not a bad plan. Every kid is different, and every parenting method is different. I say whatever works!
  • I specifically waited until my Spring Break to pt DS. He was a little older than his peers, but having the week to stay home was helpful for me and my state of mind. It only really took 2 days, but I liked the ease of time. If I didn't have the designated time for my DD, I definitely would take off b/c I've seen it work for DS.
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  • No way.  I don't believe in the 3 day potty training stuff and I when my kids are ready, they train.  Daycare/preschool works on it with the kids just like I do.  I make sure we are all on the same page and most importantly, I don't push my kids - they are on control of potty training 100% - I follow their lead.  If it takes months of them wearing pull-ups (like my younger DD is doing as she is pee trained but not poop trained) so be it. 
    Jenni Mom to DD#1 - 6-16-06 DD#2 - 3-13-08 
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