TTC After a Loss 6 Months+

Update to Friday's Pre-op Appt. (LONG)

Hey girls, 
Work has kept me from dedicating lots of time here!  How dare they!!   So Friday's appointment went well, other then I had a very high bp (pretty sure I have "white coat syndrome") and it's never fun having an internal exam!  So once we got that over with and signed all the consent forms and had bw taken we sat with my RE's Nurse and she went thru my entire protocal which will be Lupron Down, I believe is what she said.  Basically 21 days of BCP, overlapped at the end with Lupron at the end of Lupron that will be overlapped with Gonalsomethingorother... and then the ER followed by an HCG shot that evening and then progesterine shots thru the ET and up until they determine if it has worked or not.........I have to say none of the shots really bothered me until I saw the size of the one for the Progesterine........I have to say it's the first time in my life I am really quite thrilled that I have a big booty!  HA HA!
Now for my fellow PCOS ladies doing IVF, were any of you worried about OHSS??  My last internal u/s showed 24 follicles so they are starting me on the lowest possible dose of Lupron and will raise as needed but Im still stressing about the OHSS.

Re: Update to Friday's Pre-op Appt. (LONG)

  • I don't know much about IVF protocol, but want to wish you the best.
    Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle!
    April 2011 CP @ 5 weeks
  • I have PCOS (bad bad bad) and was very worried about OHSS with my IVF.  I just tried to drink as much gatorade as I could during and after my ER.  I didn't have even a little bit of OHSS, it was totally fine.  Just keep yourself hydrated and keep a close eye on how you feel.  How many amps of FSH do they have you taking? 

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  • thanks for the info, I appreciate it!!  That does make me feel better!  I actually startled my RE when I brought it up, he says he was impressed that I had obviously done my homework.....little did he know it's because of the bump that I have learned so much.  I will be sure to have gatorade on hand.
    They are starting me at 150, the nurse doesn't feel that will be enough but my RE is really conservative, which I really appreciate because I can be neurotic! 
  • imageERICA21779:
    thanks for the info, I appreciate it!!  That does make me feel better!  I actually startled my RE when I brought it up, he says he was impressed that I had obviously done my homework.....little did he know it's because of the bump that I have learned so much.  I will be sure to have gatorade on hand.
    They are starting me at 150, the nurse doesn't feel that will be enough but my RE is really conservative, which I really appreciate because I can be neurotic! 

    150 is good for your first IVF.  I had decent results with my lower initial dosage and didn't have OHSS, but they are going to up me this next time to see if we can get a few more eggs. 

    Don't worry about being neurotic... this whole process makes the strongest of women feel crazy!!!

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  • Wow, i hope everything goes smoothly.  and good luck!

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic 8.15.07 NATHAN 6.13.09 - 6.14.09 WYATT born 32w3d Gone too soon, RIP. 4.21.10 BFP - missed m/c - D&C on 5.27.10. 1.31.11 BFP - 1st cycle IUI + Follistim + Trigger (2 mature follies)Beta 1 @ 13dpiui: 199 Beta 2 @ 15dpiui: 527 10.7.11 ELIANA(Ellie)ROSE (39w3d)Team Green turned Team Pink - VBAC & ALL NATURAL 6lbs 11oz 19 &1/2in
  • imageKelinandKevin:
    thanks for the info, I appreciate it!!  That does make me feel better!  I actually startled my RE when I brought it up, he says he was impressed that I had obviously done my homework.....little did he know it's because of the bump that I have learned so much.  I will be sure to have gatorade on hand.
    They are starting me at 150, the nurse doesn't feel that will be enough but my RE is really conservative, which I really appreciate because I can be neurotic! 

    150 is good for your first IVF.  I had decent results with my lower initial dosage and didn't have OHSS, but they are going to up me this next time to see if we can get a few more eggs. 

    Don't worry about being neurotic... this whole process makes the strongest of women feel crazy!!!

    So you are going to go thru another ER?   When is your protocal starting?  I really hope this round works for you!  If you don't mind me asking, are you going to have one or two embroyos transferred?
  • Sounds like you have a really responsive RE & a great plan...GL!!!  :)
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  • imageERICA21779:
    thanks for the info, I appreciate it!!  That does make me feel better!  I actually startled my RE when I brought it up, he says he was impressed that I had obviously done my homework.....little did he know it's because of the bump that I have learned so much.  I will be sure to have gatorade on hand.
    They are starting me at 150, the nurse doesn't feel that will be enough but my RE is really conservative, which I really appreciate because I can be neurotic! 

    150 is good for your first IVF.  I had decent results with my lower initial dosage and didn't have OHSS, but they are going to up me this next time to see if we can get a few more eggs. 

    Don't worry about being neurotic... this whole process makes the strongest of women feel crazy!!!

    So you are going to go thru another ER?   When is your protocal starting?  I really hope this round works for you!  If you don't mind me asking, are you going to have one or two embroyos transferred?

    I typed up a great response and then my computer locked up.  Now I am going to be late for a meeting so I have to give you the quick and dirty version;

    We have FET coming up and will try that, if that doesn't work we are going to do IVF with PGD and see if we have any normal embryos.  If we can find 2 normal ones we'll put 2 in.  Last time we transferred two 8-cell embies and only one took and that one passed.  So for me it's worth it to double your chances by going with 2 or 3 in some cases.  But for your first IVF I wouldn't do more than 2 (or 1 if it is a rock-star and you are scared of multiples).  You'll be great!   If you need anything or have questions let me know!

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  • imageKelinandKevin:
    thanks for the info, I appreciate it!!  That does make me feel better!  I actually startled my RE when I brought it up, he says he was impressed that I had obviously done my homework.....little did he know it's because of the bump that I have learned so much.  I will be sure to have gatorade on hand.
    They are starting me at 150, the nurse doesn't feel that will be enough but my RE is really conservative, which I really appreciate because I can be neurotic! 

    150 is good for your first IVF.  I had decent results with my lower initial dosage and didn't have OHSS, but they are going to up me this next time to see if we can get a few more eggs. 

    Don't worry about being neurotic... this whole process makes the strongest of women feel crazy!!!

    So you are going to go thru another ER?   When is your protocal starting?  I really hope this round works for you!  If you don't mind me asking, are you going to have one or two embroyos transferred?

    I typed up a great response and then my computer locked up.  Now I am going to be late for a meeting so I have to give you the quick and dirty version;

    We have FET coming up and will try that, if that doesn't work we are going to do IVF with PGD and see if we have any normal embryos.  If we can find 2 normal ones we'll put 2 in.  Last time we transferred two 8-cell embies and only one took and that one passed.  So for me it's worth it to double your chances by going with 2 or 3 in some cases.  But for your first IVF I wouldn't do more than 2 (or 1 if it is a rock-star and you are scared of multiples).  You'll be great!   If you need anything or have questions let me know!

    I really hope the FET does it for you!  I can't tell you enough how much I appreciate this info!  My RE from day one has always said that we would only transfer one and then at our meeting he said I could opt to transfer two and both my dh and I decided to just go for one but I can't help but wonder if that was the right decision or not.  My RE said he was pleased with my decision because he is concerned about a repeat ectopic pregnancy and putting multiple embryos just increases the odds.  But on the flip side, as you experienced, only one out of the two took.  I think I need to just take a step back and do one step at a time, oh and do some breathing exercises too!  ha ha
  • imagesurfergirlkona:
    Woowoo!  Good luck!
    Thanks girl!!!  Have you started the protocal yet???  Yesterday you were waiting for AF to show up. 
  • Thanks for all the support ladies!
  • imageERICA21779:
    Woowoo!  Good luck!
    Thanks girl!!!  Have you started the protocal yet???  Yesterday you were waiting for AF to show up. 

    She is here (wooohooo and boooo)!  I have made my call and everything starts Friday.  I am just sitting here waiting for the nurse to call me back, she wanted to go over some stuff.  

  • I had a minor case of OHSS with my second ivf which resulted in my twin pregnancy. But I didn't have to delay the transfer or anything and my RE always gives me meds and has me watch my diet and my intake and outtake of liquid to not get OHSS. I don't have pcos but I respond really well to the ivf meds and usually have a good amount of follies. For the progesterone ice well before hand, then after the shot I rub the area in a circular motion with a warm washcloth. Dh has gotten so good at given me the progesterone shots that I don't even feel them anymore.  If you have any questions let me know.


    image 3 IUI's all BFN

    IVF#1 BFN IVF#2 BFP, loss at 19 weeks FET#1 BFN IVF#3 BFP, m/c FET#2 BFN

    Missing our twins Zachary and Madison, lost at 19 weeks on 11/13/09, edd 4/9/10

    BFP 7/17/10, m/c 7/25/10, edd 3/25/11

    Ectopic, lost left tube 4/20/11, edd 12/6/11

    my blog

  • imagebutterfly843:
    I had a minor case of OHSS with my second ivf which resulted in my twin pregnancy. But I didn't have to delay the transfer or anything and my RE always gives me meds and has me watch my diet and my intake and outtake of liquid to not get OHSS. I don't have pcos but I respond really well to the ivf meds and usually have a good amount of follies. For the progesterone ice well before hand, then after the shot I rub the area in a circular motion with a warm washcloth. Dh has gotten so good at given me the progesterone shots that I don't even feel them anymore.  If you have any questions let me know.
    Well I really hope that my DH can do just as well with these shots......he did great with the Ovidrel so we shall see!!   I will be sure to ice myself before hand, what a great idea!!
  • imagebutterfly843:
    I had a minor case of OHSS with my second ivf which resulted in my twin pregnancy. But I didn't have to delay the transfer or anything and my RE always gives me meds and has me watch my diet and my intake and outtake of liquid to not get OHSS. I don't have pcos but I respond really well to the ivf meds and usually have a good amount of follies. For the progesterone ice well before hand, then after the shot I rub the area in a circular motion with a warm washcloth. Dh has gotten so good at given me the progesterone shots that I don't even feel them anymore.  If you have any questions let me know.
    Well I really hope that my DH can do just as well with these shots......he did great with the Ovidrel so we shall see!!   I will be sure to ice myself before hand, what a great idea!!
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