
Announcing our new bundle of joy! (PIP)

The afternoon of September 7th we received a call from our caseworker asking if we'd like to be shown to a birthmother who was near her due date. We said "YES!" and within hours we got a second call telling us that we had been chosen by her. A few hours later, to everyone's surprise, she had gone into labor! We hurried and packed, jumped in the car, and drove six hours?arriving (at 2:00 am) just in time to be with her during the hardest parts of labor and to see the birth of our happy and healthy baby boy. It was an eventful and AMAZING 20 hours to say the least! 
We spent the next two days together in the hospital getting to know eachother and hear all the reasons she picked our family and her hopes and dreams for her son's life. I am so grateful she gave us the privilege of sharing this time with her. Seeing her go through the physical pain of birth and the emotional pain of placement reaffirmed to us how truly blessed we are to get to be parents. I feel such incredible humility and gratitude when I look at my sweet boys and know the trust their birthmothers placed in me by allowing me the chance to be their mom. 
When we look back over the last month in our life and Noah's birthmother's life, it is amazing to see how the timing of all these little events happened in perfect sequence in order for us to come together. Adoption is a miracle in every way possible and there is no question that this it the baby that was meant for our home. 
It took a full week for the ICPC clearance once we were discharged from the hospital, so we've only been home for a few days. I think the only word to describe how we are feeling is "bliss". We are so happy and LOVING being a family of four! Here's a picture of my cute boys together. Big Brother Owen is obviously in love with the little guy already! Noah is cute as can be and doing great. We feel so blessed!
Adoption is awesome!!! image 

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